Seth Robson, 40 Years Later, Former Sailor Finds Daughter He Left Behind in Japan. Stars and Stripes, July 20, 2015. ... d-in-japan-1.358829
(a) The report was dispatched from “Yokota Air Base 横田飛行場”--because the reporter is stationed there, not because Mr James Walker served there.
(i) 横田飛行場 is in Fussa, Tokyo 東京都 福生市,_Tokyo
(various 区 are colored purple in this map)
(ii) Americans re-named it 横田 “at the end of September,” 1945, 横田 being the former name of then 村山町 (which has been renamed since, and within 武蔵村山市 (northeastern neighbor of 福生市)).
(b) “Emi McGowan of Sarasota, Fla [contacted James Walker, who noted] that he’s been contacted by numerous scam artists claiming to be his daughter since Stars and Stripes ran a story about his search in March.”
(i) Sarasota, Florida,_Florida
("Having been identified on maps by the mid-eighteenth century as Zara Zote (Spanish), perhaps from an indigenous name, the sheltered bay and its harbor attracted fish and marine traders)
(ii) For the March report, see next posting.
(c) “ ‘You never know if somebody is trying to pull something over on you,’ he said.”
(i) put one over
(alternative forms: get one over on; pull one over)
(ii) Thesaurus has more synonym: put one across; take in
(iii) no etymology.
(d) Naval Air Facility Atsugi 厚木海軍飛行場
(a naval air base located in the cities of Yamato 大和(市) and Ayase 綾瀬(市) in Kanagawa Prefecture 神奈川県 [whose capital is Yokohama 横浜(市)]; Despite its name, the base is 4 nautical miles (7.4 km; 4.6 mi) east northeast from the city of Atsugi 厚木(市), and is not adjacent to the city; section 2 Name)
(i) 神奈川県 地図
All those 区 in Eastern quarter of 神奈川県 is 横浜市.
(ii) The “atsu” and “kō”(as in kō-sei-shō 厚生省, former Ministry of Welfare) Japanese and Chinese pronunciations, respectively, of kanji 厚.
(e) “When her [McGowan’s] stepfather was sent to Yokosuka 神奈川県 横須賀市 [look up the map in (i)], Japan, she attended elementary school there. After stints in Pennsylvania and Hawaii, she ended up living with her mother in Oceanside, Calif.”
Oceanside, California,_California
(in San Diego County; located just south of Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton)