威克, 台湾来鸿:生气出走的老先生会回家吗? BBC Chinese, Oct 29, 2015.
www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/taiwan ... tw_letter_kmt_elder
My comment:
(a) "2014年九合一选举,本来想找老先生一起去投票,然后记录老先生的想法,结果老先生说了不投票,打坏了我的计划。
不死心,今年卷土重来,约老先生明年总统大选的时候一起去投票,得到的答案是 '没问题。' "
"一起去投票"? My impression is that the author is a PRC-born man who lived in UK and goes to Taiwan as a journalist he may live in Taiwan year-round or occasionally). So he definitely can not vote in Taiwan. "一起去投票" is ambiguous, and can mean accompany the subject to a polling place (buit do not vote himself). 威克 is born and raised in China, because his Mandarin is different from that in Taiwan. Taiwanese do not say "坏了我的计划."
(b) "老先生说话了,当年的薪资低,养家活口不容易,所以政府有这个政策,帮助这些退休的公务员,他 '把一辈子给了国家”,这些优惠是“当初国家与他的约定。' "
约定. That may be. Yet in US, private companies and state government (ask governor Walker of Wisconsin) may reduce pension retrospectively.
The 18% is the interest rate under which Taiwan pays interest to saving accounts of retired government employees (including veterans and teachers).
(c) "国民党执政却一次取消。"
I do not know what it means, because 18% interest rate is still there (though controversial and meanwhile bankrupting Taiwan).
(d) "但是老先生倒是去参加了亲民党主席宋楚瑜的场子、也去参加了新成立的民国党的创党大会,至于民进党的竞选场合,老先生居然说出一句台湾政治人物常说的话 '未来不排除。' "
(i) 民国党
(co-founded inMarch 2015 by 前中国国民党籍立法委员徐欣莹; 诉求: “政党合作、不再恶斗”/ 在两岸政策方面: 与大陆争取中华民国存在的事实)
(ii) "未来不排除" voting DPP 民进党. |