本帖最后由 choi 于 11-20-2015 10:49 编辑
Resty Woro Yuniar, In Jakarta, Ride-Sharing Apps Enter a New Cycle; Smartphone services book two-wheeled transport to beat traffic; Free Internet. Wall Street Journal, Nov 19, 2015 (front page).
http://www.wsj.com/articles/in-j ... s-rev-up-1447899407
the first three paragraphs:
"When Jakarta saleswoman Fitriyani wants to get somewhere fast, she, like many people these days, turns to a ride-hailing app.
"But Ms Fitriyani’s preferred ride has two wheels, not four. That’s because the quickest, easiest way to get through Jakarta’s traffic-clogged streets is on the back of a motorcycle taxi, or ojek, as it’s called in Indonesian.
"The arrival of cheap, on-demand ojek services that can be booked through Indonesian smartphones is shaking up the way the country’s urbanites commute—and leaving car-hailing apps like San Francisco’s Uber Technologies Inc. behind in the dust.
My comment:There is no need to read the rest. |