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韩国教授称慰安妇是日本士兵 '战友' 遭起诉

发表于 12-21-2015 16:43:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Choe Sang-Hun, 韩国教授称慰安妇是日本士兵 '战友' 遭起诉. 纽约时报中文网, Dec 21, 2015

, which is translated from

Choe Sang-Hun, A Korean Professor with a New Narrative on 'Comfort Women.'  New York Times, Dec 19, 2015 (in "The Saturday Profile" column).

Quotation under her photo: "They do not want you to see other aspects of the comfort women.  If you do, they think you are diluting the issue, giving Japan indulgence."  PARK YU-HA


(a) "for decades, the common knowledge Ms Park is challenging has remained as firm among Koreans as their animosity toward their island neighbor.

(b) "In her book, she emphasized that it was profiteering Korean collaborators, as well as private Japanese recruiters, who forced or lured women into the 'comfort stations,' where life included both rape and prostitution. There is no evidence, she wrote, that the Japanese government was officially involved in, and therefore legally responsible for, coercing Korean women.'

"Although often brutalized in a 'slavelike condition' in their brothels, Ms. Park added, the women from the Japanese colonies of Korea and Taiwan were also treated as citizens of the empire and were expected to consider their service patriotic. They forged a 'comradelike relationship' with the Japanese soldiers and sometimes fell in love with them, she wrote. She cited cases where Japanese soldiers took loving care of sick women and even returned those who did not want to become prostitutes.

"The book sold only a few thousand copies. But it set off an outsize controversy.

(c) "Ms Park’s book, published in Japan last year, won awards there. Last month, 54 intellectuals from Japan and the United States issued a statement criticizing South Korean prosecutors for 'suppressing the freedom of scholarship and press.' Among them was a former chief cabinet secretary in Japan, Yohei KŌNO 河野 洋平, who issued a landmark apology in 1993 admitting coercion in the recruitment of comfort women.

(a) "WHEN she published her book about Korean 'comfort women' in 2013, PARK Yu-ha 朴裕河 [1957- ] wrote that she felt 'a bit fearful' of how it might be received. * * * Ms Park’s book, 'Comfort Women of the Empire' "

Theere is an en.wikipedia.org page about her, which lists her work as
* 제국의 위안부 - 식민지지배와 기억의 투쟁 [Comfort women of the empire; The battle over colonial rule and memory] (in Korean). 뿌리와이파리 [Ppuliwaipali], 2013. ISBN 9788964620304
* 帝国の慰安婦 植民地支配と記憶の闘い [Comfort women of the empire: the battle over colonial rule and memory] (in Japanese). 朝日新聞出版 [Asahi Shimbun Publications Inc.] 2014. ISBN 9784022511737.

No English version yet, if ever.
(b) "The women have called for Ms. Park’s expulsion from Sejong University in Seoul, where she is a professor of Japanese literature."

Sejong University  世宗大學校
(private; in Seoul; in honor of Sejong the Great 世宗大王 [1397 – 1450, reign 1418–1450] the first incarnation: Kyung Sung Humanities Institute 經宋人文科學院 (1940))
(c) Japan "coercing tens of thousands of women into sexual slavery, a view shared by two United Nations special rapporteurs in the 1990s"

rapporteur (n; Middle French): "a person who gives reports (as at a meeting of a learned society)"

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