杰安迪, 中国回族穆斯林的生活:管制宽松,相对自由. 纽约时报中文网, Feb 2, 2016
, which is tranlated from
Andrew Jacob, In One Part of China, Officials; Light Touch Lets Islam Flourish; A history loyalty to the Communist Party is rewarded. New York Times, Feb 2, 2016 (under the heading "Wuzhong Journal").
two consecutive paragraphs:
"Asked about the Chinese government’s light touch here, Liu Jun, 37, the chief imam at the Banqiao Daotang 板桥道堂 Islamic School, offered a knowing smile.
" 'Muslims from other parts of China who come here, especially from Xinjiang, can’t believe how free we are, and they don’t want to leave,' he said, referring to the far-west borderlands that are home to China’s beleaguered Uighur ethnic minority. 'Life for the Hui 回族 is very good.'
Note: The report was dispatched from 宁夏回族自治区 吴忠市.