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发表于 2-25-2016 18:26:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 2-25-2016 18:30 编辑

VOA Chinese, Feb 25, 2016.
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 160225/3208244.html

Note: You may read the Chinese-language report, OR the text of two spokespersons. In chronological order.

* call on: "to ask for a response from (someone, such as a student) <I was hoping the teacher wouldn't call on me, because I didn't know the answer.>"
(a) 发言人华春莹主持例行记者会. 中国外交部, Feb 22, 2016.
http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/web/wjdt ... 4889/t1342231.shtml

the pertinent portions:

(i) "问:外界普遍关注中美在南海问题上的沟通互动。王毅外长将就南海问题向美方传递什么信息?此外,美方对中方在部分南海岛礁上进行建设表示关切,认为这是在搞 '军事化。' 中方会就此向美方传递什么信息?



(ii) "问:近来,美方不断有人指责中国在永兴岛部署导弹是推动南海 '军事化,' 特别是在当前时机和形势下,加剧南海紧张局势。同时我们也注意到,日前在美国国务院的记者会上,有美国媒体质疑美军舰在南海执行的所谓自由航行行动。中方对此有何评论?


(b) Press Briefing by Press Secretary Josh Earnest. White House, Feb 22, 2016.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-p ... -national-governors

the pertinent portions:

"Jeff. [Mr Earnest called on the reporter]

"Josh, China says that what it is doing in the South China Sea is just like what the United States has done with its military in Hawaii.  What’s the White House’s response to that?

"MR EARNEST:  Our response to this is actually quite direct. There is no other country that has a claim on Hawaii.  But yet when you consider the land features in the South China Sea, there are a variety of overlapping territorial claims that a variety of countries have made on those features.

"And I recognize that the Chinese government may have a disagreement about the claims that are made by other countries.  That's all the more reason that we believe that all of the parties should resolve their differences of opinion about this matter in a way that doesn't provoke a military confrontation.

"That is why we have urged all parties who are claimants to these features -- the United States is not among them, but we’ve encouraged all of the countries that do have claims to resolve them in a peaceful, legal manner, and to avoid confrontation and to seek to avoid escalating the tensions in that area of the world.

"The stakes for the United States are not insignificant.  Again, we don't make claims on the features, but we certainly do want to ensure that the freedom of navigation and the free flow of commerce in the South China Sea is protected.  There’s a lot of commerce that flows through that part of the world, and it has a significant impact on the United States if that commerce is somehow disrupted.  So that's why we're seeking to reduce tensions and encouraging all sides to come together to resolve their differences in a way that does not provoke a military confrontation.

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