Latest news first. It is 8 pm EDT, Sunday, Apr 17, 2016.
(1) 傳「阿廷」在中國認罪劉媽媽:都是別人聽聞. Liberty Times, Apr 18, 2016 (tomorrow's newspaper, available now; Google: "1 hour ago").
My comment: There is no need to read the text, because the title says it all.
(2) 邱國強, 肯亞案重演媒體認罪 劉母之子承認涉案. Central News Agency, Apr 18, 2016 (Google: "5 hours ago")
("根據中天新聞報導,在偵訊中,「阿廷」先是向辦案員警說,「媽媽,去肯亞確實是去做一些違法的事情」。當員警追問「什麼違法的事情」,他回答「確實是去做電信詐騙」。「阿廷」說,他知道肯亞案發生後,她(母親劉媽媽)「有在四處奔波,在那邊四處求救,但是她『一直不知道實情』,所以真的也是很對不起她」。* * * 前妻只知道他會定期匯錢,但「不知道我在幹嘛」")
(a) Acquired by 旺旺中時媒體集團 in 2002, 中天新聞 ctiTV is cable news , and itself does not publish newspaper (in print or line). That is why I can not find a written news report from 中天新聞, and have to use the CNA report.
(b) Other news report from Taiwan says he got tthe jog in Kenya through a brother of his ex-wife.
(3) 「泰國人無罪回泰國,台灣人送中國」 劉媽媽痛心. Liberty Times, Apr 12, 2016.