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2008京奧 中國女子舉重3金用禁藥; 台灣有望遞補1金1銀

发表于 8-24-2016 15:26:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
2008京奧 中國女子舉重3金 用禁藥; 陳葦綾有望遞補金牌 盧映錡銀牌. Liberty Times, Aug 25, 2016.


(a) "國際舉重總會(IWF [International Weightlifting Federation])昨於官網公布,二○○八年北京奧運多達十五人禁藥呈現陽性反應,包括三名中國金牌女將陳燮霞、劉春紅、曹磊都被驗出使用禁藥「促生長激素釋放肽」(GHRP-2)

(b) "京奧獲得女子六十三公斤級銅牌的盧映錡,也因銀牌哈薩克選手藥檢沒過關,將遞補銀牌。

(c) "這波藥檢是由世界反禁藥組織(WADA [World Anti-Doping Agencyl based in Montreal, Canada])發動,這是國際奧會下設的獨立部門,對禁藥有十年的檢驗期限,目的是維護比賽的公平性。WADA今年重新檢驗京奧、敦奧藥檢樣本,陸續抓出使用禁藥選手,IWF七月公布首波黑名單,已讓敦奧銀牌許淑淨遞補金牌、京奧陳葦綾則從銅變銀。


(a) pralmorelin
(also known as growth hormone-releasing peptide 2 (GHRP-2); a growth hormone secretagogue (GHS); structurally is a (synthetic) peptide made up of six amino acids )
(i) Introduction to the Ghrelin Receptor. Guide to Pharmacology, undated
www.guidetopharmacology.org/GRAC ... Forward?familyId=28
("The receptor was cloned by Howard et al in 1996 from the pituitary and hypothalamus of humans and swine, and was shown to be the target of growth hormone sec[r]etagogues, a class of peptide and non-peptide compounds leading to growth hormone (GH) release from the anterior pituitary. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed 2 types of cDNAs, apparently derived from the same gene, which the authors referred to as GHS-R1a and GHS-R1b. The human full-length type, GHS-R1a cDNA encodes the predicted polypeptide of 366 amino acids with 7 transmembrane domains and is the subject of this review. Type Ib is predicted to encode a truncated polypeptide of 289 amino acids with only 5 transmembrane (1-5) domains. The function, if any, is not yet known.  In 1999 the GHS-R1a receptor was paired with ghrelin, using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing the rat GHS-R gene and proposed as the cognate endogenous ligand. * * * Ghrelin, is thought to be predominantly secreted from X/A like cells within the gastric mucosa [29] and may be the source of the majority of circulating plasma ghrelin")
(ii) ghrelin
(a peptide hormone (of 28 amino acids); section 1 History and name)

(b) "IWF七月公布首波黑名單,已讓敦奧銀牌許淑淨遞補金牌、京奧陳葦綾則從銅變銀。"
(i) At the time (July), 許淑淨 replaced 赵常玲 Zulfiya CHINSHALO.

("代表哈薩克國家舉重隊在2012年夏季 [London] 奥林匹克运动会获得女子53公斤級金牌")

Zulfiya Chinshanlo
(ii) In July 陳葦綾 substituted 四十八公斤級 48-kg class 銀牌得主,土耳其女將 Sibel ÖZKAN.

Olympic weightlifting
(section 1.1 Weight classes: 8 for men, and 7 for women)

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