本帖最后由 choi 于 10-24-2016 17:17 编辑
(d) "He wrote as people spoke, with plenty of swearing, obscenity, Lombardy dialect, tall tales from smugglers and fishermen and the invented language, 'grammelot,' he picked up from foreign workers in a glass factory near Lake Maggiore, where he [was born and] grew up as a [Italian state railway] stationmaster's son. His favourite local story [Fo heard it; he did not invent it] mocked docile villagers on the Rock of Caldé [a fable, not real] who, even as the village and its church bells were sinking underwater ('Dong…ding…dop…plock…'), insisted they weren't drowning."
(i) "Lombardy dialect"
"In 1940 [age 14], Fo moved to Milan to study at the Brera Academy." Wikipedia
He stayed there, died there. Milan is capital of the Lombardy region of Italy.
(A) grammelot
(B) Erith Jaffe-Berg, Forays into Grammelot The Language of Nonsense. Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism, 15 (2): 3-15 (2001).
(in Fo's own words)
(iii) Lake Maggiore
(e) "Early on he played regular theatres, but these were too cosily [sic; but there is no such word in English] bourgeois. He sought 'solidarity with the humble' in union halls, prisons, factories or park pavilions, places with bad acoustics but great for debate. La Comune, his theatre group, threw out the 'fourth wall,' letting the audience mill onstage with their own interventi about rotten mayors, magistrates, bosses and the criminal state. They had plenty. * * * He was banned for 14 years from RAI, the state broadcaster, for proposing in 1962 a play in which factory bosses refused to shut down production after a visitor had fallen into the meat-grinder, preferring to turn out instead another 150 tins of mince."
(i) The "comune" in Italian can be a noun masculine or a noun feminine -- only the latter is defined as "commune." ("La Comune" signifies a noun feminine.)
(ii) Italian-English dictionary:
* intervento (noun masculine; plural interventi): "1. inerventuion; * * * 4. remark"
(iii) RAI
(known [from 1944] until 1954 as Radio Audizioni Italiane)