In reverse chronological order.
(1) Venus Wu and Julie Zhu, Missing China Billionaire Taken from Hong Kong Hotel in Wheelchair: Source. Reuters, Feb 11, 2017. ... naire-idUSKBN15Q09Q
(a) "Missing China-born billionaire Xiao Jianhua was whisked in a wheelchair from a luxury Hong Kong hotel in the early hours of Jan 27 with his head covered, a source close to the businessman told Reuters.
"Xiao was carried into his own car at the entrance to the Four Seasons serviced apartments in the heart of the Asian financial hub in what appeared to be a 'smooth operation,' another source with knowledge of the matter told Reuters.
"The comments from the sources confirmed a report [see (2)] in the New York Times on the disappearance of Xiao * * *
(b) "Xiao's wife and brother have already 'fled' Hong Kong to Canada, according to the third source.
(2) Michael Forsythe and Paul Mozur, A Video, a Wheelchair, a Suitcase: The Mystery of a Vanished Tycoon Deepens; A billionaire likely to have deep knowledge of the finances of China's political elite. New York Times, Feb 11, 2017. ... -disappearance.html
(a) "In the early hours of Jan 27, he was taken out of the Four Seasons Hotel in Hong Kong in a wheelchair, his head covered by a sheet or a blanket, according to people who have seen or been briefed on video footage captured by security cameras in the hotel.
Mr Xiao, 45, who was not known to use a wheelchair, was accompanied by about half a dozen unidentified men who were also pushing a large suitcase on rollers. He is believed to have been transported by boat from Hong Kong, eluding border controls, and is now in police custody in mainland China, according to two people familiar with the investigation into his whereabouts.
(b) "Steve Tsang 院长曾锐生, director of the SOAS China Institute in London, said Mr Xiao's extraction from Hong Kong was unlikely to have occurred without the approval of China's president, Xi Jinping, who has challenged party traditions of collective leadership with a bold drive to consolidate power.
"Mr Tsang said Mr Xi might be holding Mr Xiao in custody to protect himself or to gain leverage against people he 'needs to persuade' at the coming party congress to push through his agenda and cement his legacy.
" 'I do not know if the operation was initiated or ordered by Xi, but his consent must have been given, in light of Xiao's connections with Xi's family,' Mr Tsang said in an email.
(c) "Several companies affiliated with Mr Xiao were involved in the controversial 2006-7 privatization of Luneng 鲁能, a huge state-run power company in Shandong Province, in eastern China. Among the others who gained shares was a man named Zeng Ming, according to an exposé published by the investigative magazine Caijing that the Chinese authorities later ordered removed from newsstands.
"Overseas Chinese news media later identified Zeng Ming 曾鸣 as a pseudonym used by the son 曾伟 of Zeng Qinghong, the former vice president.
(i) SOAS China Institute (SCI) 亚非学院中国研究院. SOAS University of London, undated.
("is one of the world-leading centres for China expertise")
(ii) SOAS University of London,_University_of_London
(1916- ; a constituent college of the University of London)
(b) "A Chinese-born Canadian citizen with an Antiguan diplomatic passport, Mr Xiao has lived in a serviced apartment at the Four Seasons in Hong Kong for years, attended to by a coterie of female bodyguards. * * * The lobby of the Four Seasons apartment tower is separate from the main hotel, with its own front desk and a single door that opens with a key card."
What is a Serviced Apartment? Gloucester, England: The ASAP (The Association of Serviced Apartment Providers), undated. ... serviced-apartment/
"Serviced apartments have been around longer than most people think – making an impact, in fact, for over a decade.
"Serviced apartments offer facilities much like a traditional hotel but with added space, convenience and privacy like home, so you can enjoy living like a local when travelling. They have private cooking facilities, sometimes a kitchenette but sometimes a full-size kitchen with dishwasher and washing machine, larger living/sleeping areas than most standard rooms, and often having access to gyms, restaurants, meeting space, concierges and other hotel-like services.
(c) "His [Xiao's] flagship company, The Tomorrow Group"
The Group does not have a Chinese name. Indeed, its website is written in English only -- no Chinese version. Commonly referred to as 明天系 in some Chinese-language news media (others mentions it in with Rnglish name among Chinese content).
(d) "Mr Xiao's path to fortune began shortly after he graduated from Peking University, where he enrolled as a child prodigy at age 14.
(e) 李其谚 and 王晓冰, 谁的鲁能? 山东第一大企业,同时也是全国电力系统最大职工持股企业鲁能集团悄然改制,但700亿资产的归属仍在迷雾中. 经财, Jan 8, 2007
("鲁能集团新一届董事会亦已正式产生 [in June 2006] * * * 首大能源派出两名董事熊宏伟(首大能源董事长)、曾鸣(首大能源子公司首大能源科技公司董事长) * * * 最为神秘的是首大能源派出两名董事之一的首大能源子公司首大能源科技公司董事长曾鸣,中国证券报在1月17日列出的名单中,就隐藏了这位曾姓公子的名字")
(i) The quotation is the only two mentions of 曾鸣 in the entire report.
(ii) The report mentions
(A) 肖翠兰 once, who is said to be "肖建华在肥城的至亲已所剩不多。记者调查采访独家了解到,肖建华共有兄弟姊妹6人,而并非之前外界传言的4人。他们也早已离开肥城。大姐肖兰,又名肖翠兰,曾在南夏辉村当地学校任职,教授英语。"
(B) 肖玉波 twice: "通易新达于2000年成立于北京,当时名为明天智胜软件科技有限公司,明天控股有限公司持股80%;2002年肖玉波等三人出资5000万元入主公司,肖出资1000万元,担任法定代表人,同时还出任“明天系”旗下陕西明天电子资源科技有限公司法定代表人,其时她年仅24岁。2002年12月,明天智胜更名为新易通软件科技有限公司,2005年12月迁址大连,并更为今名。"
It is found in the Web: "肖玉波即为肖建华亲属."
(iii) The report does not talk about 肖建华 himself. |