(3) "Griffis would have found it familiar walking today around Hakuhinkan Toy Park, one of the largest toy stores in Tokyo. * * * 200,000-odd knick-knacks across five floors. Its director, Hiroyuki Itoh, says he wants the store to be a place where everyone can play. After work, suited salarymen come to spend ¥200 (under $2) for a five-minute whizz around a 36-metre slot-car racetrack."
(a) Hakuhinkan Toy Park 博品館
(b) Another way to Romanize Hiroyuki ITOH is Hiroyuki ITŌ 伊藤 博之 (代表取締役専務 managing director).
(c) whizz (verb and noun; imitative): "(North American whiz)"
(4) "Playthings aimed at the over-20s make up 27% of Japan's domestic toy sales, according to figures from Euromonitor, a market-research firm. That grown-up portion of the market has been crucial for Japan's three biggest players, Bandai Namco, TakaraTomy and Sanrio, as the country's birth rate has slumped. Since the 1970s the proportion of under-15s has halved, to 12% of the population."
(a) Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc 株式会社バンダイナムコエンターテインメント "is an arcade, mobile and home video game publisher, based in [Tokyo]. * * * It is the product of a [2005] merger between the video game development divisions of Bandai and Namco." en.wikipedia.org
(i) "1955年6月1日に中村雅哉が有限会社中村製作所(なかむらせいさくじょ)を設立。1971年に「Nakamura Manufacturing Company」の略としてnamcoブランドの使用を開始、1977年には社名もナムコと改めた(当時の英語名は「NAMCO LIMITED」)。"
my summary in English: In 1955 NAKAMURA Masa-ya formed "Nakamura sei-saku-jō 製作所), which in 1971 had a brand name of Namco (shortened from Nakamura Manufacturing Company) and in 1977 renamed the company Namco.
(ii) As for the other parent: BANDAI Co, Ltd 株式会社バンダイ
"[table: 1950年7月5日(株式会社萬代屋) * * * 創業者、山科直治(1918年 - 1997年10月28日)の義兄久々津一夫が経営する繊維会社「萬代産業」の玩具製造小会社「萬代屋」として浅草にて創業。「萬代」(万代)とは武経七書の一つに数えられる兵法書「六韜」に登場する語の「萬代不易」(永久不変の意)に由来し、創業者の山科直治が「いつの世も人の心を満たす物を作り、絶えない企業の発展を願う」という意味だとしている。"
my summary in English: In 1950 YAMA-SHINA Nao-haru established in Tokyo the company 萬代屋, out of his brother-in-law's 萬代産業 (product: fibers). the name Bandai came from 萬代不易 in the book 六韜 (one of 武經七書), to fulfill the founder's thinking: "always making what people wants, wishing ceaseless progress of the enterprise."
(b) The Tokyo-based Takara Tomy (that makes physical, as opposed to virtual, toys) was created from a 2006 merger of two companies: Tomy (founded in 1924 as Tomiyama, changing the name to Tomy in 1963) and long-time rival Takara 宝 (founded in 1955)." en.wikipedia.org
Tomi's founder was surnamed Tomiyama 富山. (Not to be confused with another kanji 豊, whose japanese pronunciation is "toyo.")
(c) Sanrio
(section 1 History: name)
Founder Shintaro TSUJI 辻 信太郎 (辻 in Japan means a crossroads) established 山梨シルクセンター (literal translation: Yamanashi Silk Center), selling locally (ie, in Yamanashi Prefecture 山梨県) silk products. ja.wikipedia.org