BBC Chinese, Mar 26, 2017.
(a) "贝克哈姆上周应邀访问上海和香港,并被友邦保险任命为其 '全球大使。' 他周六在Instagram上传一段录像,并加了一句话的说明:'在中国度过了很棒的48小时' ([actually in English:] great [sic: Beckham writes 'Great'] 48 hours in China)。
"这句话在香港引起一些网民不满。他们指出,香港和中国大陆制度完全不同,连足球队都是独立于中国国家队之外的 [BBC English quotes a Hong Kong blog: 'We have our own government, currency, even football team!']。
(b) "引发争议后,贝克哈姆把那句话改成:'在上海和香港度过了很棒的48小时'(Great 48 hours in Shanghai and Hong Kong),避开了有关香港地位的争论。
(a) BBC English today states, "Beckham was there to promote a Hong Kong life insurance company."
(b) Split from AIG in 2009, AIA Group Limited 友邦保險控股有限公司 is headquartered in Hong Kong.
(c) Its its Facebook, AIA explains what the acronym stands for.
About American Insurance Agency Group (AIA Group). ... oup/176180955827019