(d) "The suit [see (e)(i) below)] is in the show, and as we approach through a passageway in Zoe Florence's theatrical exhibition installation, it looks like a sleeping extraterrestrial, a space traveler patiently waiting to be beamed up. * * * At the end of the show — organized by Zhixin Jason Sun 孙志新, a curator of Chinese art at the Met, assisted by Pengliang Lu 陆鹏亮, a curatorial fellow — there's a low closed door, carved from stone, made for a tomb, and painted with figures that could be earthly or celestial. If you passed through the door, which life would you be entering, or leaving, and is there a preference? An answer may lie in an object hanging on the exhibition's exit wall. It’s a round gilt-bronze mirror with an inscription embossed on its rim: 'May the Central Kingdom be peaceful and secure, and prosper for generations and generations to come, by following the great law that governs all 中国大宁,子孙益昌。黄裳元吉,有纪纲.' Central Kingdom meant China. And for the Qin and the Han, wherever you went, in this world or the next, you were there."
(A) Zoe Florence. LinkedIn, undated
("Exhibit Designer at The Metropolitan Museum of Art")
(B) An exhibition at the Met, say, calls for various experts. See, eg, Sara Berman's Closet. The Met, exhibition dates: Mar 6-Sept 5, 2017
("Credits[:] The installation at The Met was organized by Amelia Peck, the Marica F Vilcek Curator of American Decorative Arts and Manager of The Henry R Luce Center for the Study of American Art, in collaboration with Alex Kalman. Exhibition design is by Zoe Florence, Exhibition Designer; graphics are by Chelsea Amato, Graphic Designer; and lighting is by The Met Lighting Design Team, all of the Museum’s Design Department")
(A) 鎏金 '中国大宁' 铜镜:
[铸于] 新莽(9~23年)
镜铭: see next
(B) Li Zhi, 大都会博物馆聚焦秦汉艺术,用文物讲述 '中国' 何以成为中国. artnet新闻, Apr 4, 2017
https://www.artnetnews.cn/art-wo ... ngweizhongguo-60416
(regarding the back of the mirror: "展览以一面鎏金铜镜为尾声。这面铜镜于1952年在长沙伍家岭出土,其背面铸有精美奇谲的仙人神兽,环绕镜缘的铭文上写道:'圣人之作镜兮,取气于五行。生于道康兮,咸有文章。光象日月,其质清刚。以视玉容兮,辟去不羊(祥)。中国大宁,子孙益昌。黄裳元吉,有纪纲' ")