(1) 即時新聞/綜合報導, 台購F-35? 美政府將與國會協商 評估台灣防衛需求. Liberty Times, Apr 28, 2017.
"總統蔡英文27日接受《路透》專訪 * * * 對此,美國國務院東亞 ['暨太平洋事務'] 局發言人崔.葛瑞絲(Grace Choi)表示,川普政府決心全面實行台灣關係法之下的條文,將會與國會磋商,繼續評估台灣的防衛需求,提供武器與服務。
(2) 曹郁芬, 美國務院:川普政府決心執行台灣關係法對台軍售. Liberty Times, Apr 28, 2017.
My comment: These two reports, written by different persons, are about the same email from an official of US Department of State. There are a lot of overlaps. Perhaps one , short report is enough about the email, which basically is an empty talk. There is no need to read the rest of these two reports, other than quotations above. |