德国之声, June 29, 2017
("德国《经济周刊 [WirtschaftsWoche] 》本周四(6月29日)报道,德国联邦政府总理、基民盟主席默克尔在接受该刊的一次采访时表示:'欧洲必须着力于捍卫自己的影响力,尤其是,必须对中国发出同一种声音。' 她指出:'从中国的角度看,欧洲不过是亚洲的一个半岛。我们的看法自然不同。' 但她强调,德国经济部份有赖于中国却是一个事实,"也因此,我们必须这样来应对中国的主张和要求")
(a) WirtschaftsWoche
(1926- ; based in Düsseldorf; "Wirtschaft" means economy (including business) and [noun feminine] "Woche" is week)
(b) German-English dictionary:
* Wirtschaft (noun feminine; from [noun masculine] Wirt [host] + [suffix] -schaft [-ship, -hood]) https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Wirtschaft
(c) Keith Tribe, he Economy of the Word; Language, history, and economics. Oxford University Press, 2015, at page 33
https://books.google.com/books?i ... ymology&f=false
("In German there are two words for 'economy': Wirtschaft and Oekonomie. * * * Early northern High German derived from this the term Wirtschaft, referring to the 'administration of house and property.,' and often extended to 'hospitable reception, care' ")