本帖最后由 choi 于 7-26-2017 10:58 编辑
邱海鸿, 江苏灌云法院为 '老赖' 订制彩铃,上午开通有人下午就要还钱. 澎湃新闻, July 25, 2017.
(a) 江苏省连云港市灌云县
(b) I have not heard of these terms. Here are their translations.
(i) "彩铃™是中国移动推出的个性化回铃音业务." zh.wikipedia.org
Of course, I learn of this news from English-language source, which says that China is public shaming people again with ringtones. But it is not ringtone, after I read the Chinese news story. 回铃音 does not exists in US as far as I know, so there is no English word for it.
(ii) 失信 lose trust (as in 失信于人), break promise (as in 对不起我失信了)