(i) The report is locked behind paywall.
(ii) The take-home lesson is that US is not good at everything.
(iii) There is no need to read the rest, which is not available for free anyway.
(b) RD-180 (RD is the two-letter acronym of two words in Russian for "Rocket Engine"/ table: Manufacturer NPO Energomash + thrust at vacuum and sea level are 4.15 MN and 3.83 MN, respectively, where MN = meganewton; mega = million) / "It features a dual combustion chamber, dual-nozzle design and is fueled by a kerosene/LOX mixture" (LOX = liquid oxygen) Wikipedia
(i) Wikipedia says its production is "1999-2014." It is plain wrong with regard to 2014. The engine remains in production, which is just the common sense. Otherwise where can Pentagon get new supply?
(ii) RD-180 first in use was in 2000.
(iii) meaning of manufacturer name:
Brian Harvey, Russia in Space; The failed frontier? Springer, 2001, at page 253 ... rgomash&f=false
("NPO Energomash, its current name, or to be more precise, Energomash imemi Valentin Glushko (Energomash, dedicated to the memory of Valentin Glushko)" )
Russian full name and its English translation.
(A) "Thrust is a reaction force described quantitatively by Isaac Newton's second and third laws. * * * Force, and thus thrust, is measured in the International System of Units (SI) as the newton (symbol: N), and represents the amount needed to accelerate 1 kilogram of mass at the rate of 1 meter per second per second." Wikipedia for "thrust"
(B) "Since they need no external material to form their jet, rocket engines can perform in a vacuum and thus can be used to propel spacecraft and ballistic missiles." Wikipedia for "rocket engine"
(c) "The first payload launched with an Atlas V was the Hot Bird 6 communications satellite launched from Cape Canaveral * * * into geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) on August 21, 2002." Wikipedia for "Atlas V"
(i) Falcon Heavy. SpaceX, undated
(ii) Merlin Engines. SpaceX, undated
("The Merlin engine that powers the first stage of Falcon 9 is developed and manufactured in-house by SpaceX. Burning liquid oxygen and rocket-grade kerosene propellant, a single Merlin engine emits 845 kilonewtons (190,000 pounds) of thrust at liftoff, rising to 914 kilonewtons (205,500 pounds) as it climbs out of Earth's atmosphere. Merlin's thrust-to-weight ratio exceeds 150, making the Merlin the most efficient booster engine ever built")