本帖最后由 choi 于 10-23-2017 15:46 编辑
(d) "Mr Ito made another trip * * * to the island of Shikoku 四国. * * * A recommendation led them to the Sansuien Hotel, where they encountered a couple on their wedding day. They were dressed in traditional wedding attire, complete with the bride's wataboshi, a hat that protects her hair. 'Under it, she most likely has her hair set in the style called takashimada, the most popular Japanese hairstyle for brides,' Mr Ito said. * * * By coincidence, Mr Ito's parents-in-law are from Kochi, so he later asked them if they had heard of Sansuien. 'They exclaimed in unison, "That's where we had our wedding 50 years ago!["] ' he said."
(i) Sansuien 三翠園
is located in City of Kōchi.
(A) Its official website indicates that 三翠園 opened for business 開業 in 1949, having bought the land (at 鷹匠町) from Yamauchi clan 鷹匠町の旧山内藩主邸購入, and started building in 1948. Then Kōchi mayor bestowed because "筆山の若葉の緑、鏡川の清流の緑、庭園の松の緑." (筆山 and 鏡川 are in the City. 庭園 is inside the hotel.)
(B) 三翠園歴史散策
("三翠園の建つ鷹匠町の一帯は、藩政時代から藩主ゆかりの地。 山内家に仕える武士たちが住まいした町。 * * * 屋敷は明治維新後、山内家の私邸となりましたが、戦後売却され、その大部分は、三翠園の所有となっています")
My translation: 鷹匠町 where Sanshuien was built, was a place tracing its root to 藩主: it is a neighborhood 町 where samurai working for Yamauchi household lived. * * * After Meiji Restoration [which abolished feudal lords], the Yamauchis used the estate as private residence, but sold it after World War II. Most of the land came into the hand of Sansuien.
屋敷 is defined in (c).
(ii) Kōchi, Kōchi 高知県 高知市
("was originally settled as a castle town around the seat of the lords of Tosa Province, Kōchi Castle. The castle site was chosen by Lord YAMAUCHI Kazutoyo 山内 一豊 in 1601. The city takes its name from that of the castle")
Kōchi Castle 高知城 (built atop 大高坂山(標高44.4m)on 1601-1611, burned down in 1727, reconstructed 1729 - 1753 in the original style) ja- and en.wikipedia.org
旧山内家下屋敷長屋展示館. 高知市公式ホームページ [official page] (観光振興課), undated
East Asian hip-and-gable roof
(is of Chinese origin)
(A) 長屋 nagaya is a kind of 集合住宅, built in Edo period 江戸時代. (An apartment building is an example of present-day 集合住宅.)
(B) 足軽 is a foot soldier.
(C) The English for 旧山内家下屋敷長屋 is "Former Yamauchi Residence."
(D) My translation for the first part of quotation: built toward the end of shogunate for foot soldiers is authentic samurai residence.
History. VisitKochi, undated
("Kochi has been called 'Tosa' since old times. The name is said to date back to an ancient myth about how the province was formed. In the myth, what is now Kochi was called Tosa-no-kuni [土佐国] Takeyoriwake and described as a virile province. The Chōsokabe clan [長宗我部 氏] successfully unified Tosa, but Yamauchi Katsutoyo became the lord of Tosa in 1601 after the Chosokabe clan [which fought alongside 豊臣 秀頼, son/heir of 豊臣 秀吉 (died 1598)] was defeated in the 1600 Battle of Sekigahara [関ヶ原の戦い; victor 徳川 家康]. Thus, Katsutoyo became the ruler of a 240,000-koku domain (koku [石] was a unit used during the Edo period to show the value of land; one koku was regarded as land where enough rice for one person for one year could be produced)" )