郑仲岚, 台湾改时区独统之争 细数中国的时区改正. BBC Chinese, Oct 28, 2017.
(a) "位于台湾的国家发展委员会(简称国发会)的公共政策平台,最近因为有网友在网络 [国发会's official website]发起 '时区改正,'希望由目前的格林威治时间加8小时,改制为加9小时,引起正反网友的讨论。"
The petition in that agency's website is akin to
Petition the White House on the Issues that Matter to You. White House, undated (under the heading "We the People; Your voice in the White House").
(b) "1912年中华民国成立后,先是废除清朝时的钦天监制度,在于1918年设立长白(GMT+8.5)、中原(GMT+8)、陇蜀(GMT+7)、回藏(GMT+6)与昆仑(GMT+5.5)等五大时区。 * * * 而在1949年中华民国政府来台后,五时区也仍未在台湾课本上消失 [untrue],更成为台湾的中高生史地必考题 [untrue],聆听广播时,整点报时绝对是先说 '中原标准时间' 这句,成为台湾人的集体回忆。"
(A) 钦天监 (觀察天文,並推算曆法; 洪武三年(1370年)改稱欽天監 [the rename remained in Qing dynasty; headed by 监正、监副)
(B) As far as I can tell, 钦天监 had nothing -- let alone jurisdiction -- with time of a day, which was 一天分12个时辰 (子, 丑 to 亥).
(A) I learn of 中华民国's five time zones today. In fact, when I grew up, nobody said or know ROC has or had five times zones.
(B) 中国时区
map caption: "使用时期1918年到1949年(台湾于1945年加入中原时区),五时区制今已废止")
(iii) "整点报时绝对是先说 '中原标准时间' 这句"
This is correct. But people then did not know why: eg, where 中原 is, why this place -- while vaguely convinced that ROC was the sole legitimate government of the whole China.
(c) 而就在中华民国政府退居台湾之后,也曾于1950年至1979年间,断断续续实施过夏令时间 [English: summer time] (也称日光节约时间),会在夏季三个月左右调整间为GMT+9。但是在1980年以后,因为 '成效不彰' 所以不再实施。 * * * [台湾地理学者] 廖振顺也提及,实施夏令时间,通常是纬度高的国家愈有利 [because 夏季昼长,冬季夜长 among high-latitude nations]"
(d) "而就历史来说,台湾在过去被日本统治时,一开始也曾经是使用GMT+8。但在1937年,中日战争爆发后,日本加速台湾的皇民化运动,因此改制时区为与东京中央符合的GMT+9。后来日本占领香港、新加坡时,也改正时区为GMT+9 * * * 同样的道理也可以应用在中国,在中华人民共和国建政后,也废除中华民国的五时区制度,改用北京时间的GMT+8,1971年以后更扩大到新疆与西藏。"
time in Taiwan
(section 1 History: "The first time zone standard in Taiwan was enforced in Jan 1, 1896, the second year of Taiwan under Japanese rule. The standard is called [by Japan] Western Standard Time (西部標準時) with time offset of UTC+08:00")
Taiwan used UTC+ 9 between Oct 1, 1937 and Sept 20, 1945 (inclusive).
(e) "廖振顺则说,时区划分是 '理论时区' 与 '行政时区。'理论时区是经度15度即差1小时,台湾经度在121度,本来就在GMT+8范围。"
(i) time zone
(section 1.3 Worldwide time zones: set-up history; section 6 Nautical time zones: "for ships on the high seas * * * a time change of one hour is required for each change of longitude by 15°"/ section 7 Skewing of zones: 7.5 degrees east and west of the meridian)
* "台湾经度在121度"
In this Wikipedia page: As one can see in the world map superimposed with (24) time zones, UTC+8 centers at longitude 120°, whereas UTC+9 centers at 135°.
(ii) time in Spain
In 1940, Francisco Franco switched to Central European Time; "Several western European countries, including France, Belgium, and the Netherlands stayed on German time after the war in addition to Spain")