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台湾改时区独统之争 细数中国的时区改正

发表于 10-28-2017 10:23:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
郑仲岚, 台湾改时区独统之争 细数中国的时区改正. BBC Chinese, Oct 28, 2017.



(a) "位于台湾的国家发展委员会(简称国发会)的公共政策平台,最近因为有网友在网络 [国发会's official website]发起 '时区改正,'希望由目前的格林威治时间加8小时,改制为加9小时,引起正反网友的讨论。"

The petition in that agency's website is akin to
Petition the White House on the Issues that Matter to You. White House, undated (under the heading "We the People; Your voice in the White House").

(b) "1912年中华民国成立后,先是废除清朝时的钦天监制度,在于1918年设立长白(GMT+8.5)、中原(GMT+8)、陇蜀(GMT+7)、回藏(GMT+6)与昆仑(GMT+5.5)等五大时区。 * * * 而在1949年中华民国政府来台后,五时区也仍未在台湾课本上消失 [untrue],更成为台湾的中高生史地必考题 [untrue],聆听广播时,整点报时绝对是先说 '中原标准时间' 这句,成为台湾人的集体回忆。"
(A) 钦天监 (觀察天文,並推算曆法; 洪武三年(1370年)改稱欽天監 [the rename remained in Qing dynasty; headed by 监正、监副)
(B) As far as I can tell, 钦天监 had nothing -- let alone jurisdiction -- with time of a day, which was 一天分12个时辰 (子, 丑 to 亥).
(A) I learn of 中华民国's five time zones today. In fact, when I grew up, nobody said or know ROC has or had five times zones.
(B) 中国时区
map caption: "使用时期1918年到1949年(台湾于1945年加入中原时区),五时区制今已废止")
(iii) "整点报时绝对是先说 '中原标准时间' 这句"

This is correct. But people then did not know why: eg, where 中原 is, why this place -- while vaguely  convinced that ROC was the sole legitimate government of the whole China.  

(c) 而就在中华民国政府退居台湾之后,也曾于1950年至1979年间,断断续续实施过夏令时间 [English: summer time] (也称日光节约时间),会在夏季三个月左右调整间为GMT+9。但是在1980年以后,因为 '成效不彰' 所以不再实施。 * * * [台湾地理学者] 廖振顺也提及,实施夏令时间,通常是纬度高的国家愈有利 [because 夏季昼长,冬季夜长 among high-latitude nations]"
(d) "而就历史来说,台湾在过去被日本统治时,一开始也曾经是使用GMT+8。但在1937年,中日战争爆发后,日本加速台湾的皇民化运动,因此改制时区为与东京中央符合的GMT+9。后来日本占领香港、新加坡时,也改正时区为GMT+9 * * * 同样的道理也可以应用在中国,在中华人民共和国建政后,也废除中华民国的五时区制度,改用北京时间的GMT+8,1971年以后更扩大到新疆与西藏。"

time in Taiwan
(section 1 History: "The first time zone standard in Taiwan was enforced in Jan 1, 1896, the second year of Taiwan under Japanese rule. The standard is called [by Japan] Western Standard Time (西部標準時) with time offset of UTC+08:00")

Taiwan used UTC+ 9 between Oct 1, 1937 and  Sept 20, 1945 (inclusive).
(e) "廖振顺则说,时区划分是 '理论时区' 与 '行政时区。'理论时区是经度15度即差1小时,台湾经度在121度,本来就在GMT+8范围。"
(i) time zone
(section 1.3 Worldwide time zones: set-up history; section 6 Nautical time zones: "for ships on the high seas * * * a time change of one hour is required for each change of longitude by 15°"/ section 7 Skewing of zones: 7.5 degrees east and west of the meridian)

* "台湾经度在121度"

In this Wikipedia page: As one can see in the world map superimposed with (24) time zones, UTC+8 centers at longitude 120°, whereas UTC+9 centers at 135°.
(ii) time in Spain
In 1940, Francisco Franco switched to Central European Time; "Several western European countries, including France, Belgium, and the Netherlands stayed on German time after the war in addition to Spain")

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 楼主| 发表于 10-28-2017 10:24:02 | 只看该作者
Jon Kamp, State Considers Changing Time Zone. Wall Street Journal, Oct 26, 2017, at page A3.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/mas ... ng-there-1508923800


"As Americans get ready to turn the clocks back next month, a Massachusetts commission is exploring whether the state should spring ahead one hour for good.  Winter darkness comes early in New England, which sits along the edge of the Eastern Time Zone, and preserving more late-afternoon sunshine could yield some health and economic benefits * * * Although the odds of a change appears long, Massachusetts 'could make a data-driven case for moving to the Atlantic Time Zone year-round,' the 11-member commission said in a draft report issued last month [and reported by local newspapers back then]. Another draft will be put to a final panel vote Nov 1, and if that vote is positive, teh report will be sent to lawmakers to inform potential bills, said Democratic state Sen Eileen Donahue, who chairs the panel.

"Federal law only allows state to opt out of daylight saving time. They aren't allowed to adopt it all year. But Massachusetts could get there by shifting ahead one hour into Atlantic Time, which includes eastern Canadian provinces and Puerto Rico.

"There is a major caveat for the effort: The report recommends against Massachusetts making a unilateral move without most of New England. Panel member Paul Frost, a Republican state representative, believes New York would have to change zones.

"Maine Democratic state Rep Donna Bailey * * * sponsored [note the past tense] a failed bill to shift to Atlantic Time. The sun sets over parts od state before 4:00 pm after clocks turn back [to eastern standard time; in Boston, Mass, it is before 5 pm]].

Note: Atlantic Time Zone
(No portion of the continental United States is located in the Atlantic Time Zone; however the territories of Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands do fall under Atlantic Standard Time)

Puerto Rico does not use daylight savings time, due to its closeness to equator.
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