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发表于 12-21-2017 11:58:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 記者吳婉英, 《香港01》六四解密文件報道一度下架  多處修改增刪後再刊出. 眾新聞 CitizenNews, Dec 20, 2017.
https://www.hkcnews.com/article/ ... B%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6
(before and after)

(a) 眾新聞
(Jan 1, 2017- ; based in Hong Kong)
(b) 插標 was not used in Taiwan where I left in 1984. I can not find it (in traditional or simplified Chinese) in dictionary. But from the context, it means "section heading" (my words).
(c) It is 12 noon EST, Dec 21. So far, the classified material in this regard has not appeared online, nor has any English-language news reports. The two HK01 reports are the only in Chinese.
(d) Contrary to BBC Chinese report that the cache of the two HK01 reports are widely circulated online, it takes me about an hour to find the cache, from Bing.com. Neither Google nor Yahoo keeps a cache.
(e) HK01 was founded by 于品海: online platform started on Jan 11, 2016 + a weekly of the same name started two months later. According to zh.wikipedia.org.
(f) Alan Ewen Donald (1931- ; Scottish; born in Aberdeen, Scotland; UK ambassador to China 1988-1991)  en.wikipedia.org
(g) Cantonese (translation by me, a native speaker of Cantonese):
(i) "因為我剛才講嘅嘢 [thing],係我作為總編輯話 [speak, tell] 俾 [preposition, akin to 'to'] 你聽,我good enough話俾你聽,01就係 ['be' verb] 咁 [(adverb) this way, so]。」

01就係咁 = 01 is like this.
(ii) "呢個 [this] 我唔想話俾你聽,呢個係內部嘅 [= 的 in Mandarin] 人去 [to (verb): an infinitive with the following verb omitted] 咩 [no meaning, akin to 呀],點解 [why] 要同你講呀?所有我哋 [=们] 嘅更改,于品海、龍景昌、戚本業(執行總編輯)都要負責。
(iii) "咩 [what] 叫編採自主呀?我想問你呀,咩叫編採自主?篇文如果放喺《文匯》、放喺 [在]《蘋果》,肥佬 [黎智英 is a bit, just a bot overweight] 有佢自己嘅處理方法,《文匯》有佢嘅處理方法,咁你叫《文匯》編採自主呢?定係肥佬嘅編採自主呢?Come on,你唔係咁樣去考慮編採自主呀嘛?係記者嘅編採自主?定係 [定係= or] 我總編輯嘅編採自主?"
(iv) "至於為何要在引言中刪去平民死亡數字,龍景昌指,檔案所說的是「佢嘅一個說法」,「我哋認為,你可以有其他說法,你可以抌 [弄] 出嚟 [出嚟=出来],啫 [merely, only] 係話寫成樣 [noun: kind, type] 嘢本身其實你係講呢個檔案。但作為記者,你要對檔案本身......因為當時都係咁樣講架 [meaningless] 啦,89年嘅時候都係咁樣講,但到今日嚟講,一路好多個實際情況慢慢出到嚟啦嘛,你自己要對嗰 [that] 樣嘢有個判斷、有個judgement,作為記者,唔會將嗰樣嘢當係完全事實咁去寫。"
(v) "既然原文中的引言已經說明相關數字來自「其中一份檔案記錄」,如此重點資料是否應放在報道前頭?「梗係 [梗係=of course] 唔係啦!重點擺 [前] 頭?你唔使 [唔使=need not, not have to] 教我做新聞吓 ['(interjection) tut-tut - used to express disapproval or resentment'; from the Web] 嘛?你係咪干預緊我哋點樣做個lead呀?做新聞好多唔同嘅lead架吓嘛?數字係咪一個lead?我認為未必係,因為對我哋嚟 [来] 講,死一個都嫌多。數字係咪重要吖?對於01關於六四嘅立場嚟講,數字唔重要,因為死一個都嫌多,就係咁喇。"

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 楼主| 发表于 12-21-2017 11:59:41 | 只看该作者
(2) Cache of two reports that FIRST (Dec 20 morning, Hong Kong time) appeared at HK01.
(a) 勞顯亮 and 何敬淘, 【六四密檔】英引中國國務院情報 27軍掃射軍人 逾萬平民死亡, HK01, Dec 20 2017.
https://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx? ... Rzx483sjoZzJXLrgdek

(b) 張雯, 勞顯亮 and 何敬淘, 【六四密檔】戒嚴部隊軍官稱200人死於流彈 嘲諷坦克人所謂勇敢/ HJ01, Dec 20, 2017.
https://www.hk01.com/%E6%B8%AF%E ... 2%E5%8B%87%E6%95%A2
https://cc.bingj.com/cache.aspx? ... 9otlBTwpvPFSqeEKrRf

My comment: My observation is that HK01 has not revised this particular report, and might not have withdrawn it at some point on Dec 20 (Hong Kong time). Nor has 眾新聞 reported so (for this HO01 report).
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