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Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park

发表于 1-2-2018 14:29:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-2-2018 15:08 编辑

Katharine Q Seelye, Cruise Ships Made Town a Destination. But Did They Ruin It?  Crowds increasingly clog the rustic beauty pf a Maine port of call. New York Times, Jan 1, 2017.


(a) "Since late 1990s, Bar Harbor has been a popular port of calls for cruise ships. Much of the attraction is nearby Acadia National Park, where deep evergreen [evergreen does not imply tropical, made up of pines etc] forests meet craggy, glacier-sculpted coast of the Atlantic and where Cadillac Mountain [466m], the highest point along the Eastern Seaboard, offer spectacular views.

(b) "Outsiders have been flocking to Mount Desert Island, home to Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park, since the mid-1800s, when painters from the Hudson River School discovered its natural beauty. Rockefellers, Astors, Vanderbilts and Carnegies homesteaded here in Gilded Age style, building mammoth 1,000-room hotels and opulent 'cottage.'

"Much of that fell to ruin in 1947 when a fire roared across the island, consuming scores of mansions and scorching thousands of acres of the park.

(c) " 'Before the cruise ships started coming to Bar Harbor, our tourist season ended after Labor Day,' says Kristi Bond, who owns and operates four restaurants downtown. 'Now, September and October are two of our busiest months.'

"The number of cruise ships visiting Bar Harbor reached 163 in 2017 * * * The town * * * has capped the daily number of visitors who can come ashore-- 3,500 in summer, 5,500 in spring and fall.  But Bar harbor has only 5,200 year-round residents, and on some days, the crowds are overwhelming. They our in at once to the quaint downtown [herein lies the problem with cruise ships; read next]

(d) Paul Paradis, who owns a hardware store here and is a chairman of the town council, * * * noted that the ship passengers -- a total of about 185,000 in 2017 -- make up less than 6 percent of the town's 3.3 million annual tourists.

(a) There is no need to read the rest.

(b) Acadia National Park
(southwest of Bar Harbor [see map]; Acadia is the oldest designated national park east of the Mississippi River [in 1919]; The name of the park was changed to Acadia National Park in 1929, in honor of the former French colony of Acadia which once included Maine)
(i) Town of Bar Harbor  ("was renamed Bar Harbor, after the sand and gravel bar, visible at low tide")  en.wikipedia.org
(ii) national park
("United States established the first 'public park or pleasuring-ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people,' Yellowstone National Park, in 1872. Although Yellowstone was not officially termed a 'national park' in its establishing law, it was always termed such in practice and is widely held to be the first and oldest national park in the world. However, established by the Mongolian government in 1778, the area surrounding Bogd Khan Uul Mountain located south of the country's capital, Ulaanbaatar, is probably the oldest national park, predating Yellowstone by nearly a century. The first area to use 'national park' in its creation legislation was the US's Mackinac, in 1875")
(A)  Bogd Khan Uul Mountain  (Mongolian: Богд хан уул [cyrillic: Богд (n) saint; (adj) holy, saintly + уул mountain], literally "Saint Khan Mountain;" elevation 2256 meters above sea level but its base -- ie Mongolia sitting on Mongolian Plateau -- is 914m above sea level; "The word handed down among the locals here says: This mountain is called Khan Uul because Genghis Khan had lived here originally"; approved not as a park but for official ceremonies by  乾隆帝 理藩院)  en.wikipedia.org (The mountain does not have an official Chinese name; in websites based on PRC, several names appear. )
(B) Mackinac National Park
(1875 - 1895 (when it was turned over to Michigan to be a state park); on Mackinac Island; the second American National Park after Yellowstone)
(iii) Acadia
(1604- ; all eventually fell to Britain, in 1713 [during War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714)] and 1763 [in the midst of Seven Years' War (1756–1763)], a division of New France; section 1 Etymology)

(c) Hudson River School

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