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特朗普要把习近平当女人才可读出 '习' 字

发表于 1-6-2018 12:02:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(1) 甄树基, 新书揭秘:特朗普要把习近平当女人才可读出 '习' 字. 法广, Jan 6, 2018
http://cn.rfi.fr/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B ... A%E4%B9%A0%E5%AD%97

, which is based on

Tom Phillips, Lady in Red?  Trump Told to See China President as Woman to Help Pronounce Name. Daily Guardian, Jan 4, 2018
https://www.theguardian.com/us-n ... man-name-xi-jinping
("Not known for his linguistic talents, Trump was instead prone to call the leader of the world's No 2 economy 'Mr X-i' ")

(2) additional reporting:
Christina Zhao, Trump Told to Imagine Chinese President Xi Jinping Was a Woman to Help Pronounce His Name, Book Claims. Newsweek, Jan 5, 2018.
www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-pr ... nce-his-name-771669


"President Donald Trump is not known for his linguistic talents—and he doesn't seem to care: In the past, he has proudly pronounced China as Ch-eye-na, Tanzania as Tan-zayn-ia and Beyonce as Beyonc-ee.

"Before the advice [to pronounce Xi as she], Trump struggled with pronouncing the family name of China's leader and used to call him 'Mr X - I,' reported The Guardian, who obtained the book this week, ahead of its scheduled release.

My comment:
(i) There is no need to read the rest of the Newsweek report.
(ii) pronunciations:
(A) Beyoncé
("was born in Houston, Texas, to Celestine 'Tina' Knowles (née Beyincé), a hairdresser and salon owner, and Mathew Knowles, a Xerox sales manager.[24] Beyoncé's name is a tribute to her mother's maiden name")

* Beyoncé
(B) Tanzania
(section 1 Etymology)

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