刘新宇, 俄对华交付S400防空导弹途中遇风暴受损返回. RFA, Jan 24, 2018.
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 01242018123511.html
"俄罗斯联邦军事技术合作局发言人沃罗比约娃在19日 * * * 说:'在履行向中国出口S-400导弹系统合同框架下,12月底一艘货船运载辅助性设备驶离乌斯奇-卢加港,但在通过英吉利海峡时遭遇强风暴,船上运载的防空导弹系统部分设备受损。
"据美国 '防务新闻'杂志1月24日引述 * * * 印度官员透露,俄罗斯出售5套S-400系统要出高价55亿美元,而在2015年12月,印俄签署一项协议时,印度国防部采购委员会批准的购买5套S-400系统的价格为45亿美元。价格暴涨10亿,令印方无法接受。 此外,俄方还列出了非常高昂的训练费用,并拒绝关于三种导弹的任何技术转让,俄方还拒绝提供零件和服务打包等等,都导致印俄间谈判破裂
(a) Valery Sharifulin, Part of S-400 shipment to China damaged by storm. Tass, Jan 19, 2018
("a vessel carrying support equipment departed from the Ust Luga port in the Leningrad region in late December")
(i) Ust-Luga
(ii) Leningrad was name of Saint Petersburg from 1924 to 1991.
(b) Vivek Raghuvanshi, India, Russia Fail to Finalize S-400 Air-Defense Deal. Defense News, Jan 23, 2018.
https://www.defensenews.com/glob ... 0-air-defense-deal/
("India’s ongoing negotiations with Russia for the $5 billion-plus purchase of five S-400 Triumf long-range surface-to-air missile systems are in deadlock yet again")
The reporter is of Indian descent. There is no need to read the rest of the report.