陳宜加 and 曹郁芬, 台美關係大突破!在台就可入境美國. Liberty Times, Mr 23, 2018
("台灣101年11月正式加入美國免簽證計畫,去年11月再正式納入「全球入境計畫(Global Entry)」,讓台灣旅客可在美國快速通關。如今又可望在國內啟用「美國境外預先通關 [US Border Preclearance] 」;美國目前在全球擁有15處境外入境據點,台灣可望成為亞太第一個設置的國家")
My comment: This is not 外交突破. In early 1990s, I had to check in at Toronto airport with US immigration (and possibly customs also) before I could board n airliner. Most nations just will not accept this as an affront to their sovereignty. )O see no problem.) More or less like the controversy of 一地两检 in Hong Kong.