本帖最后由 choi 于 4-7-2018 12:04 编辑
In earlier today's posting, to the Economist article, I added Note "(c) The sectional heading 'There Xi blows' is a wordplay on there she blows."
Mari Saito, An Intoxicating Era Bubbles Back; Creeping prosperity Has Young Japanese reliving the heady '80s. New York Times, Apr 6, 2018.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/ ... 80s-bubble-era.html
Excerpt i the window of print: Nostalgia for the last time Japan was on top of the world.
(a) Formerly with Reuters at San Francisco and Washington DC, Mari Saito is a freelancer based in Berlin.
(b) "Kaori MASUKODERA 益子寺 かおり [Kaori is Japanese pronunciation for 香; in reality there is no temple per se called 益子寺 but there is 栃木県芳賀郡益子町, whose name came from 益子氏 -- a samurai family since 10th century; both 町 and the surname is pronounced mashiko] remembers, barely, riding as a child with her mother, her hair teased and her lips bright red, in the family's convertible to the beach. It was the last gasp of the 1980s * * * A so-called Lost Decade 失われた10年 * * * later * * * She performs in a pop-music duo called Bed In that borrows heavily from the keyboard lines, electric drums and power chords of the ’80s. They dress ’80s, too: The shoulder pads are big, the skirts are mini and the hues are Day-Glo when they aren’t just plain shiny. * * * Ms. Masukodera, 32, wearing a tight blazer with jutting shoulder pads emblazoned with images of the Tokyo nightscape, paired with a miniskirt and gold jewelry. * * * Mai CHŪSONJI 中尊寺 まい [Mai usually means Japanese pronunciation for 舞], 30, the other member of Bed In ベッド・イン [katakana of Bed In] * * * Bed In’s latest video nods to the era by parroting 'trendy dramas,' a subgenre of TV programs of the bubble era that depicted the busy lives of young Japanese career women."
(A) tease (vt): "to comb (hair) by taking hold of a strand and pushing the short hairs toward the scalp with the comb"
(B) tease (vt): "North American backcomb (hair) in order to make it appear fuller <her hair is teased into spikes>"
(C) Search YouTube.com with (tease hair).
(A) There is ONE 中尊寺 in Japan.
(B) (850- (寺伝による according ot temple legend); located at 岩手県西磐井郡平泉町; 天台宗; 山号は関山(かんざん); 本尊は釈迦如来) ja.wikipedia.org.
(C) The temple in "2011 was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as a part of the 'Historic Monuments and Sites of Hiraizumi 平泉[町].' " en.wikipedia.org.
(iii) Day-Glo Color Corp
(In the 1940s, the company began developing a new class of pigments called daylight fluorescent pigments that fluoresce in daylight)
(iv) Bed-In
(v) trendy drama トレンディー・ドラマ
https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E ... 9%E3%83%A9%E3%83%9E
("トレンディドラマ (Trendy Drama) は、1988年から1991年にかけてのバブル景気時代に前後して制作された日本のテレビドラマの一部を指して使われるが、和製英語である上に明確な定義はない")
My translation: Tendy drama means a kind of television dramas in Japan, produced during and around the bubble prosperity / boom (1988-1991), but because the term is 和製英語, a clear definition is lacking.
(c) Jim Breen online Japanese-English dictionary:
* wasei eigo 和製英語 【わせいえいご】 (n): "Japanese word constructed of elements from one or more English terms; pseudo-English word or phrase coined in Japan"