(1) 解放军绕飞台湾针对台独 美轰炸机南海训练作回应.
("美国空军证实,日前派出两架B52轰炸机飞到南海附近进行训练,有报道指美方是要就解放军近日在台湾附近的演习作出回应。 综合媒体周五(27日)报道,美军多架B52远程战略轰炸机,周二(24日)由关岛的空军基地出发,前往南中国海附近地区进行军事训练,美军又确认轰炸机南海的训练结束后,转往日本冲绳一带再作训练,才返回关岛。 台湾传媒报道分析,美方是要对解放军加强在台湾绕岛活动发出警告")
My comment:
(a) The clause "有报道指美方是要就解放军近日在台湾附近的演习作出回应" clearly means "台湾传媒报道." But American media does not say so.
(i) media (n; Is MEDIA singular or plural?)
(ii) media (n): "(the media) [treated as singular or plural] the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet) regarded collectively.
<The international media has taken its eye off Zimbabwe, yet the suffering of its people has in no way abated.?
<It is in this regard that the media in Bulgaria has a vital role to play.>
<It all depends on confidence and what publicity the media gives to the market.>
<Politicians should know by now that newspapers or the media do not campaign for any one at all.>"
(2) Tyler Hlavac, Air Force sends B-52 bombers over South China Sea during training. Stars and Stripes, Apr 27, 2018.
https://www.stripes.com/news/air ... g-training-1.524254