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狄鶯孫鵬越洋救子3個月 狂燒3百萬美金

发表于 6-13-2018 15:22:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
鍾智凱, 狄鶯孫鵬越洋救子3個月 狂燒9千萬豁出家產. Liberty Times, June 13, 2018
("夫妻救子近3個月,至今狂燒律師費、法院罰金、生活費、機票…等,費用很龐大,且這段時間2人工作停擺,孫鵬《國光幫幫忙》主持工作也無限告假,無形中損失更大。56歲的狄鶯3月30日與孫鵬赴美救子 * * * 請來專攻青少年犯罪案件的律師凱勒,另一名也是五星律師,名叫柯狄克,最新一名則是資深女律師Caroline Goldner Cinquanto,全部官司打下來約需3百萬美金,等於超過台幣9千萬")

My comment:
(a) The parents burned cash, thanks to unrealistic hope that their son would be deported by state court, within a couple of months after the arrest. That was impossible from the beginning (and the attorneys they hired for state court proceedings should have told them so): a state has no say about immigration matters, which US constitution consigns to the federal government; I have not heard of any criminal defendant in US who is deported without having to complete his sentence. In the end, the state court handed the son over to federal court.
(b) Caroline Goldner Cinquanto (whose initials are CGC) obviously practices solo. Here is her website.
() Taiwan's Apple Daily says just now (17 min ago") that the parents have to return within 90 days of arrival in US, because "簽證即將到期."  Holders of a Taiwan does not need a visa due to

Visa Waiver Program. US Department of State, undated
https://travel.state.gov/content ... ogram.html#overview
("(VWP) enables most citizens or nationals of participating countries to travel to the United States for tourism [B-2 visa] or business [B-1] for stays of 90 days or less without obtaining a visa * * * Travel Purpose Must be Permitted on a Visitor (B) Visa")

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