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发表于 5-14-2019 14:22:28 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
In chronological order.

(1) Pasadena Salutes Returning Marine Corps Battalion with City Hall Ceremony. Pasadena Now, May 11, 2019
http://www.pasadenanow.com/main/ ... city-hall-ceremony/
("A reserve battalion of US Marine Corps infantry based in Pasadena was welcomed home Friday [May 10] morning at City Hall as the troops return from an active duty tour that took them to four countries.  Over 200 Marines from 2d Battalion, 23d Marine Regiment were saluted under grey skies at ceremony. * * * The battalion is based in an East Pasadena facility adjacent to Victory Park. In their civilian lives, many of the reservists are First Responders, including police officers, deputy sheriffs, and firefighters.  During their deployment, the Marines conducted training exercises that spanned across four countries in the Indo-Pacific Area, including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the Philippines")

(a) Pasadena Now (2004- ; online only)  en.wikpedia.org for Pasadena Now.
(b) A regiment is higher, and includes several battalions.

(2) 涂鉅旻, 美陸戰隊來台演習?國防部斥:假訊息. Liberty Times, May 13, 2019, at 21:49
("這段新聞也被一家中文媒體作為美軍進行多國「機密演訓」的佐證 * * * 不過,根據該則報導引用的美國方消息,原始訊息雖有提及這200餘名官兵的活動地點,也包含台灣在內,但所稱的時間點為「去年」。對此,軍方官員駁斥,經過查證,根本沒有這些事情,亦無這家媒體報導所言的「極機密演訓」")

Note: 美海军陆战队证实 四月曾在台湾演习. 多维新闻网, May 13, 2019.

(3) 马立克 and 霍亮乔, 美陆战队日、韩、台、菲四国演习 专家:美方刻意放料. RFA. May 14, 2019
("美国加州当地电视台报道,陆战队第23团第2营在美西时间5月10日回到加州驻地。帕萨迪纳市为陆战队举行了回家欢迎仪式。美国海军陆战队在官方推特就证实,此行6个月,该200名官兵分别部署在日本、韩国、台湾及菲律宾。台湾军事专家陈国铭对本台表示 * * * 这次美方主动放料,是意有所指。陈国铭说:美国透过新闻公开这些资讯,对中国其实就是说,我就是要做给你看的。这个是他们鹰派战略的一环")

Note: Josh Haskell, Pasadena Welcomes Home 200 Marines Following Deployment. Los Angeles: KABC-TV, May 11, 2019
https://abc7.com/science/pasaden ... deployment/5294947/
(paragraph 1: "Two-hundred Marines, part of the 2nd Battalion, 23rd Marine regiment, just returned from a six month deployment that spanned four countries including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the Philippines. The city of Pasadena held a welcome home ceremony for the marines")

(a) It is 18:06 EDT, May 14. Google times this report "6 hours ago."
(b) "美国海军陆战队在官方推特就证实,此行6个月"

Try as I may, I fail to find the tweet. The 2nd Battalion, 23rd Marine regiment has a twitter account, whose last tweet was on Sept 27, 2018.

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