本帖最后由 choi 于 6-17-2022 11:51 编辑
(4) The (4)(a) is news witten with scientists (as well as general population) in mind, whereas is for top scientist) and hard to understand). So I choose (a) first, supplemented and explained with part of (4)(b).
(a) Ann Gibbons, Ancient DNA Reveals Black Death Source; Graves in Kyrgyzstan hold early victims of plague that swept medieval Europe. Science 376: 1254 (June 17, 2022, which is tomorrow).
"The strain that killed them [in two cemeteries of Kyrgyzstan] was ancestral [judging from accumulation of mutations] to all the strains that rampaged across Europe a decade later and continued to kill for the next 500 years. The bacterium jumped from rodents to hu-mans just before the Kyrgyzstan burials, perhaps after sudden changes in rainfall or temperature, the researchers propose this week in Nature [I read Nature which did not say this]. * * * In 1894, microbiologists identified Y pestis as the cause.
"One branch of the [viral family] tree underwent a 'big bang' explosion of diversity at the time of the Black Death, creating a starlike pattern of four new lineages of Y pestis whose descendant strains still persist in 40 species of rodents around the world. One of those lineages was the source of the Black Death and later outbreaks in Europe until the 18th century.
Maria "Spyrou extracted DNA from the pulp of seven individuals' teeth and found three were infected with Y pestis. * * * The strain was closely related to ones found in rodents [marmots included] near Issyk Kul today.
(i) A picture is worth a thousand words. Hence, view the figure first.
(ii) Dr Philip Slavin is an Associate Professor in History at the University of Stirling.
(iii) University of Stirling
(1967-; a public university in Sterling p25 mile northeast of Glasgow], Scotland)
(b) Spyrou A et al, The Source of the Black Death in Fourteenth-Century Central Eurasia. Nature, _: _ (June 15, 2022)
("Excavations of these cemeteries between 1885 and 1892 [by Russians] revealed a unique archaeological assemblage potentially associated with an epidemic that affected the region during the fourteenth century (Fig 1 * * *). On the basis of tombstone inscriptions, these cemeteries showed a disproportionally [sic] high number of burials dating between 1338 and 1339, with some inscriptions stating that the cause of death was due to an unspecified pestilence")
My comment:
(i) There is no need to read this article. Just follow me and read selected portions.
(ii) The authorship of this article includes both Bos KI, first author of (3)(b)(i), and second last author Philip Slavin.
(iii) Figure1 caption:
"b, Area within the Kara-Djigach cemetery [one of the two cemeteries at issue] * * * Individuals from graves 6, 9, 20, 22 and 28 (the numbers in bold) were investigated using aDNA [ancient DNA] in this study. Burials shown with stripe patterns [9, 20, 28] were associated with individuals BSK001, BSK003 and BSK007 [BSK acronym is not explained in this Article], which showed evidence of Y pestis infections.
"d, Tombstone from the Kara-Djigach cemetery with legible pestilence-associated inscription. The inscription is translated as 'In the Year 1649 [=AD 1338], and it was the Year of the Tiger, in Turkic Bars. This is the tomb of the believer Sanmaq. [He] died of pestilence [=mawtānā].' " (insertions in this sentence are original).
(iii) Figure 2:
(A) View Figure 2(a), which is explained in (2)(b).
(B) Figure 2)(b) starts at the intersection of three line segments: one up and two on the right; the intersection has a dotted (broken) line pointing downward toward "Other branch 0." The intersection is ground 0, so the three individuals died of plague are identified as BSK001, BSK003 and BSK007. BSK001 and BSK003 are represented in Figure (2)(b) as a SINGLE pink circle, which gives out four branches: 1, 2, 3, 4. Branch 1, further upward AS TIME PROGRESSED, branched out, first as blue circles, then yellow circles, and finally dark green circles -- the same circles in Figure (2)(a). (Though blue circles in Figure (2)(a) and (b), respectively, have slightly different shades (of blue), they are meant to be the same.) Other parts of Branch 1 (represented by dark gray circles) are other Y pestis DNA from other victims (not from these two cemeteries) not used in this article.
Now return to quotation 2 of (4)(a) above, the Science news: "a starlike pattern of four new lineages of Y pestis * * * One of those lineages was the source of the Black Death." I believe the four lineages means the four BRANCHES in Nature article, and that "[o]ne of those lineages was the source of the Black Death" refers to branch 1 in Figure 2 of the Nature article. The Science writer should not do this and befuddle readers.
(iv) At last, at the page 4 (page numbers are at the lower right or left corners) of the online Nature article, is this statement: "BSK001/003 [the pink circle in Figure (2)(b)] carries the ancestral state in all covered diagnostic SNPs defining branches 1–4 and 0.ANT3 [the '0' signals Branch 0], which is the closest related branch 0 lineage to BSK001/003 * * *