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阿根廷 米莱

发表于 5-1-2024 10:34:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
燕青, 分析:米莱改革初显成效,阿根廷与中国交往时的战略地位得到改善. VOA Chinese, May 1, 2024.

My comment:
(i) Javier Milei
(1970- ; president (Dec 10, 2023- ); "Milei obtained an economics degree (licentiate) from the private University of Belgrano and two master's degrees from the Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social  [(IDES)] and the private Torcuato di Tella University [all three are located in the capital Buenos Aires].   For over 20 years, Milei was a professor of" economics")
(A) This English Wikipedia page italicizes "licentiate" which is an English noun, NOT Spanish. You click it to learn more, but do not need to remember this (English) word, because it is not used in English.
(B) In Spanish, the diphthong "ei" (as in seis meaning six) AND "ey" (as in reina meaning queen) are pronounced the same as the vowel in English's "waist"-- one syllable, not two.
(ii) He was, in various times, a professor of economics in various institutions of Argentina. See
At which academic institute(s) has Javier Milei held a professorship? Nov 23, 2023
(Q: "It is fairly common for articles on Argentinian President-elect, Javier Milei, to mention that he is a professor. * * * However, I am unable to discover where he is a professor. [emphasis original] * * *")

There was an answer only in three paragraphs (modifications original): "It seems Milei has held multiple professorships. As far back as 2010, in a paper entitled El elixir de la teoría monetaria Argentina: Apuesta por el error tipo ll o una pasión desenfrenada por la inflación, he is described as 'Professor of the Chair of Monetary Economics at the UBA [University of Buenos Aires] and the UADE [Argentine University of Enterprise].'

"In 2020, (it appears in response to an accusation that he had inflated his professorship credentials) Milei stated that he was 'a Professor of Monetary Theory 1 and 2 at the UB [University of Belgrano].' This is confirmed by various press releases on the UB website. Milei also claimed in 2016 to have held professorships at "UBA, USAL, UB, UNC among others".

"In addition, according to Juan Luis González's biography of Milei, in December 2022 the Escuela Superior de Economía y Administración de Empresas (ESEADE) also presented him with an honorary doctorate and the title of visiting professor.

(b) I am unsure if Milei is a quack or not.

Argentina's problems is deep-seated. And I always believe a nation's economy depends in part on quality (which includes a lot of things, such as work ethics) of its citizens. One does not see a booming economy outside East Asia, Europe or North America.

But what about Milei's economics policies themselves? (I heard of dollarization, but it is not done yet. I know little else about his policies.) These are untested.

(c) "两国间的货币互换协议"
(i) There seems to be a lack of formal terms in ENGLISH. (货币互换协议 is an official terms in Chinese, about the agreement between China and Argentina. I do not know about the official term in Spanish.)
(ii) news in chronological order:
(A) 中国阿根廷两国央行续签双边本币互换协议. 央视网, 2023年06月11日 (the whole content of the news: "中国人民银行与阿根廷中央银行于近日续签 ['7月27日到期': from the Web; the previous or first agreement was signed in 2020] 了双边本币互换协议,互换规模为1300亿元人民币 ['约合182亿美元)': from the Web] /4.5万亿比索,有效期三年")
(B) 亏大了?阿根廷利用互换协议借人民币,还 [IMF] 美元债,中国吃亏了吗?搜狐 Sohu, Aug 17, 2023 ("原创").
(C) China Activates $6.5 Bln Swap Line with Argentina. Reuters, Oct 23, 2023.
Argentina To Boost Reserves With China Currency Swap. Barron's, Oct 18, 2023.
(D) China Suspends US$6.5 Billion Currency Swap Agreement with Argentina, Reports Say. South China Morning Post, Dec 21, 2023 (reposted by Yahoo!).
(E) Natalie Liu, Milei's Government Pays IMF Without Tapping China Currency Swap. Voice of America, Dec 23, 2023.
https://www.voanews.com/a/milei- ... y-swap/7410415.html
("On Thursday, Argentina's new government sent to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) its scheduled debt payment, thanks to a loan from the CAF - the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean")

(d) Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean
(1968- ; table: Headquarters  Caracas, Venezuela; "formerly the Andean Development Corporation (or Corporación Andino de Fomento)")
(A) Andes
("The Andes * * * are the longest continental mountain range in the world")
says Spanish spelling is the same, having come from indigenous people's word.
(B) the Andes (n; plural)
(ii) In Spanish, country name starts with upper case (China, where i is pronounced like vowel of English verb hit), its (male) citizen is chino (lower case c), and its masculine adjective is still chino (comida china in Spanish is "Chinese food" in English).

The Spanish adjective for Andes (and a male living there) is andino (a in lower case). However, in a proper name (eg: Corporación Andino de Fomento), the a is in upper case.
(iii) Spanish-English dictionary:
* comida (noun feminine; which is actually past participle of Spanish verb comer to eat; ultimately comer came from Latin verb comedere to eat): "food"
* fomento fomento (noun masculine; borrowed from Latin [noun neuter] fōmentum [from Latin verb fovēre to keep warm, to support]): "development"

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