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How to Avoid Estate Tax Legally

发表于 12-8-2024 13:15:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Jesse Drucker, 英伟达CEO黄仁勋是如何避税80亿美元的. 纽约时报中文网, Dec 6, 2024
https://cn.nytimes.com/business/ ... huang-estate-taxes/

, which is translated from

Jesse Drucker, How One of the World's Richest Man Avoid $8 Billion in Taxes; Nvidia's chief employs go-to loopholes for the untrawealthy. New York Times, Dec 7, 2024, at page A1.

(a) This is a pot shot from New York Times. The move is legal, Congress has not closed the loophole, and other "ultrawealthy" people are using it. So what is Wrong? Absolutely nothing.
(b) "rich people could give away all their money before they die in order to avoid the estate tax.rich people could give away all their money before they die in order to avoid the estate tax.rich people could give away all their money before they die in order to avoid the estate tax."

Come on, all trusts (which are governed by both state and federal laws, but in different aspects with the former mainly about tax aspects) are like that -- and for most people, not merely the rich or ultrarich.

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