Edward Wong, Rift Grows as U.S. and China Seek Differing Goals. New York
Times, Feb. 20, 2010.
(American officials "say that China emphasizes sovereignty issues while
refusing to give any weight to the Obama administration’s two top
priorities in the relationship: containing Iran’s nuclear ambitions and
rebalancing currencies and trade.")
My comment:
(a) Yup, US wants China to appreciate Renminbi. Up to 40%.
(b) Venn diagrams
(1) Peter Spiegel, U.S. Sees Limited Chinese Backlash Against Its Arms Sales
to Taiwan; Beijing's Milder Reaction Shows Value It Places on Defense Ties,
Officials Say. Wall Street Journal, Feb. 20, 2010.
"But the U.S. officials say the military fallout from the decision appears
more limited than two years ago, when China blocked port visits to Hong Kong
by U.S. warships and broke off many defense contacts in response to arms
"Just this week, a group of ships led by the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier was
allowed into Hong Kong. Meantime, Pentagon officials said standing
invitations to visit China extended to both Defense Secretary Robert Gates
and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, haven't been
"Senior U.S. defense officials cautioned they have yet to receive a formal
notification of China's response to the Jan. 29[,2010] decision [of arms
sale to Taiwan]
Why China shows restraint? "'They were fairly clear with us in the run-up
as to what they considered to be their red lines,' the senior defense
official said. The official added, however: 'We made our decision based
solely upon our assessment of Taiwan's defense needs, not based upon any
consideration of what China was telling us.'
(2) John Markoff and David Barboza, 2 China Schools Said to Be Tied to
Online Attacks. New York Times, Feb. 19, 2010.
(Shanghai Jiaotong University and the Lanxiang Vocational School in City of
Jinan, Shandong 蓝翔高级技工学校)
(3) 外界关注美中关系紧张是否会升级. VOA Chinese, Feb. 20, 2010
人权外交。' 文章说,美中关系虽然经常发生摩擦,但是谁也不记得,过去还有什么时
候两国关系急剧恶化的速度比09年底到2010年初这段时间里下降速度更快的时候了。 *
* * 中美对华基金会的文章说,奥巴马总统去年访华时曾经交给中方一个美方最为关
My comment: There is no need to read the rest.
(4) 专家:奥巴马会晤达赖喇嘛表明立场. VOA Chinese, Feb. 20, 2010
终将使美中关系向前发展。 * * * 哥伦比亚大学研究当代西藏问题的教授巴奈特说,
这次会谈是重大一步 * * * 他说:'美国现在已经表明立场,中国在达赖喇嘛问题上采
My comment:
(a) 巴奈特 Robert (Robbie) Barnett, Assistant Professor and Director, Modern
Tibetan Studies Program, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia Univ.
(b) There is no need to read the rest.
(c) I guess US is not going to back down.
美议长佩洛西:美与藏人友谊长久密切. VOA Chinese, Feb. 19, 2010
(written statement)
(5) 美国版权产业敦促保护知识产权. VOA Chinese, Feb. 19, 2010.
My comment: There are many interest groups pushing Pres. Obama to take a
hard line against China.
Interest group