范斯坦:反对军售 在京见到江泽民朱熔基. VOA Chinese, June 11, 2010.
My comment:
(a) Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-Cal; since 1992) was mayor of San Francisco from
1978 to 1988.
(b) The report cites
James T. Areddy, A Conversation With Dianne Feinstein. China Real Time, June
6, 2010.
(c) 美参议员范斯坦率团低调访台. VOA Chinese, June 7, 2010.
At the time I read this. I thought, "Is it something to celebrate about?"
Sen. Feinstein is known to be pro-China.
富豪榜出炉 中国全球第三. VOA Chinese, June 12, 2010.
Note: The report cites
Press Release: Global Wealth Stages a Strong Comeback, but Wealth Managers
Still See Performance Declines and Challenges Ahead, Says Study by The
Boston Consulting Group. June 10, 2010.
"The number of millionaire households rose by about 14 percent in 2009, to
11.2 million—about where it stood at the end of 2007.
"The United States had by far the most millionaire households (4.7 million)
followed by Japan, China, the United Kingdom, and Germany.
"Singapore saw the highest growth in millionaire households, up 35 percent,
followed by 33 percent for Malaysia, 32 percent for Slovakia, and 31 percent
for China.
"Smaller markets had the highest concentrations of millionaire households.
In Singapore and Hong Kong, millionaire households accounted for 11.4
percent and 8.8 percent, respectively, of all households.
My comment:
(a) Despite financial crisis.
(b) The above is press release. The full report is FOR SALE.