VOA Chinese, Sept. 13, 2010.
(a) 中型军事运输机 Medium Transport Aircraft (MTA)
(b) 安-12,安-26,和安-32运输机 Manufactured by Antonov (named after founder Oleg Antonov in 1946; headquarters Kiev, Ukrain), An-32's fist flight was in 1976.
(c) BrahMos
(in service since 2006; The name BrahMos is a portmanteau formed from the names of two rivers, the Brahmaputra of India and the Moskva of Russia. It travels at speeds of Mach 2.5 to 2.8.
(i) Brahmaputra River
(The upsrtream of Brahmaputra is in Tibet, called Yarlung Tsangpo/ While most rivers on the Indian subcontinent have female names, this river has a rare male name, as it means "son of Brahma" in Sanskrit (putra means "son"))
(ii) Moskva River
(Moskva and Moscow are two different renderings of the same Russian word Москва. The city is named after the river. The origin of the name is unknown)
(d) 米-17型多用途军事直升飞机 Mil Mi-17 Multi-Mission Helicopter
(first flight and introduced 1970s)
(1) Ajai Shukla, India, Russia to Ink gen-5 fighter pact. Business Standard, Sept. 13, 2010.
("India and Russia each pledge $6 billion to co-develop the world’s premier fighter, a step ahead of the US Air Force’s F-22 Raptor")
(2) Marshall Hoyler, China's "Antiaccess" Ballistic Missiles and US Active Defense. Naval War College Review, Autumn 2010, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 84-105.
My comment: This is scholarly stuff.
(a) CSS-6 is DF-15 (spped ?; operational range 600 kilometres (370 mi))
(b) Kadena Air Base 嘉手納飛行場, in the towns of Kadena and Chatan and the city of Okinawa
(c) ELINT stands for ELectronic INTelligence.
signals intelligence
(Signals intelligence (often contracted to SIGINT) is intelligence-gathering by interception of signals, whether between people (COMINT, or communications intelligence), whether involving electronic signals not directly used in communication (ELINT, or electronic intelligence), or combinations of the two./ section 5 ELINT)
(d) For EMission CONtrol, see EMCON