BBC Chinese, Sept. 18, 2010.
My comment:
(a) The report states, "销量最大的报纸《读卖新闻》周六发自北京的消息引述中国内部的消息人士说,中国相信日方逮捕中国渔船船长这一过去不曾有的强硬举措是当时主管海上保安厅的前原在背后推动。消息说,中国曾在今年6月菅直人政权成立时广泛认为,菅直人容易对付,幸好不是鹰派的前原。亲美的《读卖新闻》报道说,美国副国务卿斯坦伯格周五日本时间深夜约见日本驻美大使藤崎一郎在五角大楼会谈."
(i) Japan prime minister (PM) Naoto Kan announced new cabinet on Sept. 17, 2010. Seiji MAEHARA 前原 誠司 was the new Minister of Foreign Affairs. The day before (Sept. 16), in the capacity of Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism 国土交通大臣 (who has authority over Japan Coast Guard 海上保安厅), at Ishigaki 石垣島 he went aboard two Japan patrol boats involed in collision with the Chinese fishing vessel.
(ii) The quotation in (a)--except the last sentence--is based on
佐伯 聡士 (Satoshi SAEKI), 「対中強硬派」前原外相に中国が強く警戒. Yomiuri, Sept. 17, 2010.
On June 2, 2010, PM Yukio Hatoyama resigned. Foreign minister Katsuya OKADA and land and transport minister Seiji Maehara at the time, both of whm were considered potential PM candidates, voiced their support for Kan as PM (both retained the positions in Kan's first cabinet).
(iii) 小川 聡, 米国務副長官「前原外相を歓迎」. Yomiuri, Sept. 18, 2010.
So, US Deputy Secretary of State James B. Steinberg received Japan ambassador in the morning of Sept. 17, which was late evening in Japan. The BBC report is correct, but at first glance, I was under impression that the reception was conducted in late evening EASTERN SUNLIGHT TIME (of US).
(b) 人物:日本新任外相前原城司. BBC Chinese, Sept. 17, 2010.
日本外相:依法处置中国船长. Sept. 18, 2010.
Please read only the last two paragraphs.
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