(a) I always wonder why government officials standing in the background of a
press conference mostly cross their hands in front of their torso. See, e.g.
Former Enron CEO Kenneth Lay Indicted. Life Magazine, July 8, 2004.
(b) I wonder why they do not simply hang their hands along the sides. I
asked an American, and she said she wondered, too.
(c) There is an article addressing this issue, which also measures
testosterone. I am a biologist and t (authors of the article) are not. So I
do not believe the hormone part of the article, because research shows times
and again that we humans are above hormone(s). So pay attention to figures
1 and 2: high-power poses and low-power poses, respectively.
Carney DR, Cuddy AJC and Yap AJ, Power Posing; Brief Nonverbal Displays
Affect Neuroendocrine Levels and Risk Tolerance. Psychological Science,
Published online before print September 20, 2010.