Andrea Petersen, When 12,000 Quests Spend the Night; How a megahotel tries to seem small; 20 brides in a weekend. Wall Street Journal, Sept 22, 2011.
My comment:
(a) See the graphic and photos only.
(i) strip (n):
"1a: a long narrow piece of a material b : a long narrow area of land or water
* * *
3: a commercially developed area especially along a highway"
(ii) Las Vegas Strip
(section 1 Boundaries; The Strip was reportedly named by Los Angeles police officer Guy McAfee, after his hometown's Sunset Strip)
(i) towel folding machine:
Texfinity TLG 2L-2C folding towels.mpg. YouTube, uploaded by Texfinity on Dec 9, 2010.
This type of machine can be used to fold a bedsheet, too, but it will require two persons working together, each holding two corners of a bedsheet on one side of the machine.
(ii) bedsheet folding machine
H J WEIR Mono Feed Unit for the Foldmaker 94. YouTube, uploaded by hjweir on Jan 19, 2009.
(iii) Clothes folding machine:
JENSEN Butterfly Fox 900. YouTube, uploaded by jensengroupcom on Nov 9, 2010.