胡蕙寧, 科學期刊 將我學者劃歸中國. Liberty Times, Nov 7, 2011
("雖於隔日更正為「Taiwan, ROC」,但是在內文部分,還是將作者的國家寫為「Taiwan, People’s Republic of China」")
My comment:
(a) I do not know what 內文 means. I assume it is the print eidtion.
(b) Here is the online edition, as of now.
Yella A et al, Porphyrin-Sensitized Solar Cells with Cobalt (II/III)–Based Redox Electrolyte Exceed 12 Percent Efficiency. Science, 334: 629-634 (Nov 4, 2011)
One may click the sign in front of "Author Affiliations." Whatever mistakes there was, it is corrected: "Taiwan, ROC."
(c) Ordinary persons often confuse official titles of China with Taiwan. When Pres Hu Jintao visited White House on Apr 20, 2006
the American band played the national anthem of Republic of China, not People's.