本帖最后由 choi 于 11-9-2011 10:10 编辑
BBC Chinese, Nov 9, 2011
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... na_soldiers_2.shtml
(逃离吉林兵营; 四人携带了一支95式自动步枪和795发子弹)
(2) 美司令:担心南中国海擦枪走火. BBC Chinese, Nov 9, 2011
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... us_china_navy.shtml
(美国太平洋第七舰队司令 海军中将 斯威夫特)
(a) Vice Admiral Scott Swift, who took over as commander of the 7th Fleet in September.
(b) Reporting on the same speech, some wire news says he worries most about the unpredictable N Korea.
(3) 进入日本领海被捕的中国渔船长获释. BBC Chinese, Nov 9, 2011
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... ina_fisherman.shtml
(a) 台湾人在福建遭抢被砍致残. VOA Chinese, Nov 9, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... rist-133525583.html
(b) 李容萍、姚介修、沈繼昌、蘇永耀, 赴中遇劫 公安扣斷掌當證物. LibertyTimes, Nov 9, 2011
(六十歲的胡其揚到中國福建省莆田市探視中國未婚妻; 原從事營建,現已退休也離婚,近年常獨自去中國福建訪友,期間結識小他四歲的廈門女子,雙方已有婚約; 被搶走五千元人民幣,五錢六分重的金戒一枚,仿勞力士金錶一只)
Note: The gold ring and watch had been on his left hand, which was chopped off.
(a) 中国向乌克兰大量采购飞机引擎. VOA Chinese, Nov 9, 2011
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... aina-133523653.html
("中国最近向乌克兰订购了250台,型号为AI-222-25F的飞机引擎 * * * 这是今年以来中国第二次大批从乌克兰采购这种飞机引擎。今年年初,中国同乌克兰签订了采购250台同类型飞机引擎的合同")
(b) Vladimir Karnozov, Ukraine Wins Engine Contract for Chinese L-15 Jet Trainer Production. Aviation International News, Nov 4, 2011.
http://www.ainonline.com/?q=avia ... -trainer-production
(6) 麦凯恩:美在南中国海等问题上应对中国更强硬. VOA Chinese, Nov 9, 2011.
http://www.voanews.com/chinese/n ... Cain-133526653.html
(7) Age And Experience Beats Youth And Novelty. Strategy Page, Nov 9, 2011
("For the last five years, the U.S. Air Force has been trying to replace its manned U-2 reconnaissance aircraft with RQ-4 Global Hawk UAVs. This has not worked out well")
(8) Andrew Higgins, In Hong Kong Drama, China’s Communist Party Casts Virginian as a Villain. Washington POst, Nov 9, 2011
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wo ... QAd84M1M_story.html
(Mark Simon; "The [Chinese communist] party still operates in Hong Kong as it did under British rule as an underground organization: It is not registered, and its membership is secret. It nonetheless controls newspapers, trade union groups and a host of other bodies loyal to Beijing")
(a) Civic Exchange 思匯政策研究所
(b) Albert CHENG 鄭 經翰
(c) East Week 東周刊 |