本帖最后由 choi 于 12-23-2011 10:11 编辑
My last posting on Dec 21 was titled 学者:乌坎处理方式可能给中共带来启示
, whose item (2) was
(2) 王超华 (台湾自由撰稿人), 点评中国: 中国在乌坎. BBC Chinese, Dec 21, 2011.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... n_wangchaohua.shtml
The item is relaunched today: URL is identical--but the article, now dated Dec "23," is much longer and the introduction to the same author changed to "美国加州大学洛杉矶校区东亚研究博士."
When I read the article on Dec 21, I was surprised that a Taiwanese knew about 东洲 ("2005年年底,世界银行在香港召开年会之前,也是在汕尾,由于电厂征地争端,东洲村村民群体抗议,官方出动据称包括坦克在内的武力实弹射杀,在死伤村民的牺牲之上,恢复了稳定").