Enid Tsui, 'Madein China' Does Not Always Translate Well; Shoe brand Stella Luna may find it hard to go global. Financial Times, Dec 30, 2011
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/c3c2ac ... 4feabdc0.htmlCached
(a) summary: A contractor for name brands wants to strike out on the side with its own luxury brand. More than high-tech sector, luxury brands in fashion are almost about marketing to stand out.
(b) The report described the Stella Luna as a compnay whose stock is listed in Hong Kong with "Taiwanese founders." There is no Wiki page for the company. I can not open the website
Stella International Holdings Limited
("In February 2006, we launched Stella Luna, our retail chain for women's fashion footwear and leather goods")
, but seem to find an alternative website:
My comment: "About" in the website talks about Stephen Chi only. Is he the founder?