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Coda All-Electric Sedan

发表于 3-13-2012 12:21:02 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Dana Hull, First All-Electric Coda Sedan Rolls off Assembly Line in Benicia. San Jose Mercury News, Mar 12, 2012


"Coda Automotive Inc. manufactures most of the vehicle's battery system and body in China. The parts are then shipped to the San Francisco Bay Area port city of Benicia for final assembly.

"The four-door car, which looks like a classic sedan, sells for $37,250 but qualifies for a $7,500 federal tax credit for electric vehicles, making it cheaper than a Chevrolet Volt or the forthcoming Model S sedan from Tesla Motors Inc.

(a) Coda Automotive
(Founded 2009; Headquarters  Los Angeles)

Quote: "The word CODA is a musical term that denotes the concluding passage of a piece of music, from the Italian word coda (tail). CODA Automotive has said that it chose the name because its electric vehicle technology represents an end for combustion engine vehicles and the start of the electric vehicle era.

(b) Benicia, California
(the first city in California to be founded by Anglo-Americans, and served as the state capital for nearly thirteen months from 1853 to 1854 [Sacramento since 1854]; founded in 1847, by Dr Robert Semple and Thomas O Larkin, on land sold to them by Comandante General Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo; was named for the General's wife, Francisca Benicia Carillo de Vallejo)

Her second given name Benicia is a feminine form of Benedict (in English; other forms: Benedetto (Italian and Spanish), Benedicto (Portuguese and Spanish)). Both Benicia and Benedict mean "blessed."

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