(1) Victoria Kim, Toy Company Accused of Laundering Drug Money.
("In all, the company [City of Industry-based Woody Toys Inc, owned by Dan "Daisy" Xin Li and her husband Jia "Gary" Hui Zhou] is accused of laundering about $6 million in suspected drug profits since 2005, according to the [federal] indictment")
Note: Industry, California
(also known as City of Industry; an industrial suburb of Los Angeles; of Los Angeles County)
(2) Kit Gillet, In China, Foot Binding Slowly Slips Into History
http://www.latimes.com/news/nati ... bound-feet-20120416,0,4220827.story
("Isolated from the country's key cultural and administrative hubs, the area around Liuyi, a village of about 2,000 people in southern China's Yunnan province, was one of the last places in the country to end the tradition")
(a) Kit (like Kat or Cat) is a short form of Katherine. Its nickname is Kitty.
(b) Liuyi is a village. Wall Street Journal on Nov 13, 2009 also reported about the village, under the title "In Yunnan, China's Last Foot-Bound Women."