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US to Set Up Missile Theater Defense in East Asia

发表于 8-23-2012 10:37:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 8-23-2012 11:05 编辑

Adam Entous and Julian E Barnes, US Plans New Asia Missile Defenses. Wall Street Journal, Aug 23, 2012 (front page).
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB ... 05591629039400.html


"'The focus of our [US] rhetoric is North Korea,' said Steven Hildreth, a missile-defense expert with the Congressional Research Service, an advisory arm of Congress. 'The reality is that we're also looking longer term at the elephant in the room, which is China.' * * * Mr Hildreth of the Congressional Research Service said the U.S. was 'laying the foundations' for a regionwide missile defense system  that would combine US ballistic missile defenses with those of regional powers, particularly Japan, South Korea and Australia.

"The Pentagon is particularly concerned about the growing imbalance of power across the Taiwan Strait. China has been developing advanced ballistic missiles and antiship ballistic missiles that could target US naval forces in the region.

"The proposed X-Band arc would allow the US to not only cover all of North Korea, but to peer deeper into China, say current and former U.S. officials. 'Physics is physics,' a senior US official said. 'You're either blocking North Korea and China or you're not blocking either of them.'

"Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia nonproliferation program at the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California, said any missile-defense deployments in the Asian theater will alarm the Chinese, particular if they believe the systems are designed to cover Taiwan. 'If you're putting one in southern Japan and one in the Philippines, you're sort of bracketing Taiwan,' Mr Lewis said. 'So it does look like you're making sure that you can put a missile defense cap over the Taiwanese.'

(a) Monterey Institute of International Studies
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mon ... ternational_Studies
(located in Monterey, California and founded in 1955; of Middlebury College [whose main campus is in Middlebury, Vermont])
(b) X band
(Frequency range 8.0–12.0 GHz (IEEE radar) [in the SHF (super high frequency; frequency range: 3-30 GHz) of electromagnetic spectrum (also see)]; section 2 Radar: "X band is used in radar applications including * * * synthetic aperture radar, and phased arrays. * * * The shorter wavelengths of the X band allow for higher resolution imagery from high-resolution imaging radars for target identification and discrimination")
(c) Misile Defense. Raytheon, undated
http://www.raytheon.com/business ... is/missile_defense/
(Army Navy/Transportable Radar Surveillance (AN/TPY-2); Upgraded Early Warning Radar (UEWR); Sea-based X-Band Radar (SBX); Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System (JLENS))

(i) Shown in a photo accompanying the WSJ report, AN/TPY-2 (which this Raytheon dubs "the world’s most advanced mobile radar") is a X-band, phased array radar.  
(ii) Upgraded Early Warning Radar. US Department of Defense, undated
("Prior to deployment of the SBIRS (Low) satellites, the UEWRs will be used to detect and track objects during their midcourse phase, primarily to cue the more precise X-Band Radar")

(i) Wendell Minnick, CRS Report Reviews Taiwan Security, U.S. Relations. May 24, 2012
http://www.defensenews.com/artic ... urity-U-S-Relations
("the Surveillance Radar Program (SRP). In 2004, the US released a $1.8 billion package to build two ultra-high frequency, long-range early warning radars [supplied by Raytheon] * * * Taiwan only released enough money for one EWR at $800 million [due to power struggle between DPP and KMT] * * * Construction did not begin until 2009 * * * [which is] slated to go online this November")
(ii) The Balance of Air Power in the Taiwan Strait. US-Taiwan Business Council, May 2010
http://www.us-taiwan.org/reports ... r_taiwan_strait.pdf


page 10: "The Surveillance Radar Program (SRP), based on a modernized AN/FPS-115 UHF-band missile early-warning
phased array radar design, will provide Taiwan with an autonomous, long-range (3,000-km) detection,
tracking and cueing capability against ballistic missile and shorter-range (<200-km) low-elevation (airbreathing)
threats, including low flying, low cross-section CMs [cruise missiles]."

p 44: "AN/FPS-115 Radar  A long-range, phased array, Land-Based Fixed Defense Radar (LBFDR) designed to detect and characterize
ballistic missiles. The radar system is capable of detecting and monitoring a great number of targets consistent
with a massive attack. The system must rapidly discriminate between vehicle types, calculating their launch
and impact points in addition to the scheduling, data processing and communications requirements. The
operation is entirely automatic, requiring operators only for monitoring, maintenance and as a final check on
the validity of warnings."

(e) Terminal High Altitude Area Defense
(THAAD; a US army missile defense system; designed, built, and integrated by Lockheed Martin; In service  2008-present; The Navy has a similar program, the sea-based Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System)

Standard Missiles 2 and 3--mainstay of Navy's Aegis system--are both produced by Raytheon.
Raytheon Missile Systems Standard Missile Family.

(f) 美国拟在亚洲加强部署导弹防御系统. VOA Chinese, Aug 23, 2012.
http://www.voachinese.com/conten ... 120823/1494577.html

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