Cindy Sui, Changing Times Force Taiwan to Raise Welfare Spending. BBC, Apr 25, 2013.
My comment:
(1) Please read FIRST the side bar: Taiwan in context, whcih says:
(a) "The percentage of Taiwanese people living below the poverty line and on welfare - 1.78% - is not only low compared with Western countries, but it is also much smaller than in similarly developed Asian neighbours such as South Korea and Japan, where the figure is around 21%." paragraph 1
(i) The "figure" following "Japan" is singular and refers to that of Japan only, excluding S Korea. Upon seeing that, I thought there must be a typo; there is none.
(ii) Poverty Rates and Gaps, in OECD Factbook 2011-2012: Economic, Environmental and Social Statistics. OECD, Dec 7, 2011 ... entType=/ns/Chapter,/ns/StatisticalPublication&itemId=/content/chapter/factbook-2011-32-en&containerItemId=/content/serial/18147364&accessItemIds=&mimeType=text/html
(definition: "The poverty rate is the ratio of the number of people whose income falls below the poverty line and the total population; the poverty line is here taken as half the median household income")
(iii) In the preceding URL, please click the Excel spreadsheet icon to the right of the text:
S Korea 0.150; Japan 0.157; US 0.173; UK 0.110.
(b) and that "public expenditure on social welfare in South Korea [is] 9% and Japan[] 22%, * * * according to OECD statistics." paragraph 4
The direct link is
Social Expenditure - Aggregated data. OECD StatExtracts, undated.
(corresponding figues for UK and US in 2012 are 23.9% and 19.4%)