India Gives The T-50 A Bad Review. Strategy Page, Jan 30, 2014.
"Indian Air Force officers have had an opportunity to check out a prototype of the new Russian '5th generation' T-50 (or PAK-FA). This is the Russian answer to the US F-22 and according to the Indians, who have contributed $6 billion to development of the T-50, the Russian aircraft is in big trouble. The Indian officers noted that the T-50 as it is currently put together is unreliable. The Russian radar, which promised so much has delivered, according to the Indians, insufficient performance. The Indians also noted that the T-50s stealth features were unsatisfactory.
"The T-50 is not meant to be a direct rival for the F-22 because the Russian aircraft is not as stealthy. But if the maneuverability and advanced electronics live up to the promises, the aircraft would be more than a match for every fighter out there except the F-22. * * *For the moment the T-50 and the Chinese J-20 are the only potential competitors for the F-22 that are in development.
"There are now five T-50 prototypes in operation. The T-50 flew for the first time in January 2010.
"The Russians want to sell their 'Fifth Generation Fighter' (which they admit is not true 5th Gen) to India and other foreign customers. |