VOA Chinese, July 17, 2014.
(a) The author, Mike O'Sullivan, is “West Coast Bureau Chief, Voice of America.” However, I can not find the English version of this report.
(b) At least one Web page identifies 董建军 as Taishan DONG.
(c) This VOA report states, “7月18日,他将在旧金山首次参加重量级拳击赛。 * * * 他的教练约翰•布雷”
(i) It will be Dong's American boxing debut, against Mercito GESTA of the Philippines.
(ii) John BRAY
(d) The VOA report continues, “董建军不是唯一要登陆美国的中国重量级拳击选手。2008年北京奥运会上的银牌得主张志磊将于8月8日在美国内华达州首次亮相。”
ZHANG Zhilei
(e) The VOA report also states, “除了练拳击,董建军还初为人父。他四个月的女儿哈珀就出生在洛杉矶。妻子格格说,丈夫首战状态很好。”
(i) 哈珀 Harper
(ii) The family lives in Glendale.