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发表于 8-22-2014 11:22:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
彼得罗克•特里劳尼, 记者来鸿:婚纱照 广州新娘之最爱? BBC Chinese, Aug 22, 2014
http://www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/si ... ooc_guangzhou.shtml

, which is translated from

Petroc Trelawny, Europe on the Pearl River: A Colonial Hangover in Guangzhou. BBC, Aug 3, 2014.

(a) “广州沙面岛,第二次鸦片战争后被英法强行变成租界,是中国那段屈辱历史的一个象征。曾经,这里是被人淡忘的尴尬,不过现在,拥有欧式建筑、街心花园的沙面岛再度时尚,倍受广州新人青睐。”

This is the first paragraph of the Chinese-language report, but is absent in the original. Is it necessary to be a masochist? Al the time?  Both US and Taiwan have many colonial buildings.

(b) “On the veranda of the red-brick Canton Club, a young couple poses for their wedding pictures. The train of her dress spills down the steps of the early 20th Century building.”

The Canton Club  广东俱乐部
(privately held)
is on
Shamian Island 广州市荔湾区 沙面岛
(In 1859, the territory was divided in two concessions given to France and the United Kingdom; China took over in 1949)

(c) “Another couple stand in front of their photographer in the doorway of the next building. Its date - and its purpose - are hewn into the stone. Bank of Taiwan. 1913.“
(i) Taiwan was a Japanese colony 1895-1945.
(ii) Bank of Taiwan was formed in 1897, became Taiwan's central bank in 1899, continued to be so until Chiang Kai-shek re-established Central Bank of China in 1961 in Taiwan, and was defunct when merged starting 2007 with other state-owned financial institutions.

(d) “It's the same story outside the Banque de l'Indo Chine (built 1899) - and indeed in front of the grand pillars of the City Bank of the United States (which later became Citibank).”
(i) For Banque de l'Indo Chine, see Banque de l'IndoChine
(established in Paris in 1875)

is a forerunner of Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank.
(ii) Citibank is the consumer division of Citigroup. New York state lawmaker Samuel Osgood formed City Bank of New York in 1812.

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 楼主| 发表于 8-22-2014 11:22:52 | 只看该作者
(e) “As well as the banks, the great old Hong Kong and Shanghai trading houses have left their mark here, buildings which accommodated Butterfield & Swire, Jardines, Dodwell & Company.”
(i) For Butterfield & Swire, see Swire Group  太古集團
(headquartered in the Swire House in the City of Westminster, London; section 1 History)

* 太古集團
(section 3 名稱由來)
(ii) Jardine Matheson
was (founded in Canton in 1832 by two Scots: William Jardine and James Matheson.
* The English surname Jardine is a variant of Jardin.
* The English/french surname Jardin: “from Old French jardin ‘enclosure,'  ‘garden’ [French nowadays still spells the same] * * * Compare English surname] Gardner"
* The English surname is pronounced “jar-DEEN” where the “j” is pronounced the English way, like “jug.”
* The Scottish surname Matheson means son of a person with “a short form of Matthew.”
(iii) Dodwell & Co  天祥洋行
(section 1 History)

(f) “The old Dairy Farm Building, where cows were kept to provide the Europeans with their daily milk, is now a smart nightclub. In the churchyard of Our Lady of Lourdes, a row of vines flourishes, the grapes beginning to get fat.”
(i) Dairy Farm  牛奶冰廠公司
(ii) Our Lady of Lourdes

is a TITLE, and the church in Lourdes, France ONLY, is
Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes  (French: Sanctuaires de Lourdes; Chinese: 露德聖母堂)

French, but not English, Wikipedia lists church of similar names
, none of which is in China.

(g) “Ironically, over the border in Hong Kong there's no equivalently dense area of colonial heritage. Some old buildings survive but most were lost during the great spurt of construction in the 1970s.”
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