杰安迪, '普京之虎' 越过俄中边界酿外交事件. 纽约时报中文网, Oct 11, 2014
, which is translated from
Andrew Jacobs, ‘Putin’s Tiger,’ in a Territory Grab All His Own, Swims to China; A carnivore with wanderlust is at the center of a diplomatic flurry. New York Times, Oct 11, 2014 (front page)
(“It turns out Kuzya [name of a Siberian tiger, a Putin’s favorite], like Mr Putin, has territorial ambitions, which this week drew him across the frigid Amur River 黑龙江 that separates Russia and China. * * * his [tiger’s] Russian minders, tracking him by radio transmitter, expressed concern that he could up in the hands of poachers”)
My comment:
(a) The “territory grab” in the title alludes to president Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
(b) Read only the first several paragraphs, and you will know what it (report) is all about. |