BBC Chinese, Nov 26, 2014. ... a_hunting_fugitives
(a) "中国外交部条约法律司司长徐宏星期三(11月26日)在北京举行的一次 '反腐败追逃追赃媒体吹风会' 上表示,中国试图说服美国同中国签署引渡条约,但是美国似乎不准备这样做。"
It is impossible that US will ever agree to that. Senate a treaty. In US, extradition has to done through a treaty, not merely an executive order. US senate has to ratify a treaty. Republicans have for the most part keep a minimum of forty seats in the senate, and Democrats are not necessarily kind to China. Many decisions made in senate need sixty (60) votes to break a potential filibuster, despite Democrats' recent successful adoption of nuclear option. Thus, no matter which party controls senate, it is simply not possible for US to consent to an extradition treaty with China.
(b) "他说,在这种情况下,中国必须想其他办法,一个是以非法移民的机制遣返嫌疑人,另一个方法是在美国起诉他们,让犯罪嫌疑人按照美国法律受到审判."
"在美国起诉他们." (Criminal) persecution is impossible, as in US only governments can prosecute. To sue in a civil court, China will have to hire local attorneys, and China can not afford it (particularly if China intends to launch many cases). Not to mention it will create a spectacle. Has any nation done that in US?